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Posts posted by xylogirl10

  1. 4 hours ago, x\/x\/x said:

    And while rejection is never fun, I would also just like to say that this grant will not make or break your life: it is not the final word on your intellectual qualifications or professional potential.

    Indeed! I needed to read this. I am reminding myself that this organization doesn't care enough to let us know how many pages they want or other rather important application details. I shouldn't take it personally.

    I kind of regret mentioning the wait-list thing. I didn't mean to give anyone false hope. We had heard that we wouldn't hear anything until April. I was surprised to see "rejected" yesterday and I thought, "wow they must have hated my proposal!" until the other applicants started updating. I only know about it because a friend was rejected, but then was offered it in May when someone couldn't go a few years ago. She said it doesn't happen often and there is no official list.

    Good luck to all of you and your future endeavors!

  2. 38 minutes ago, aynrand said:

    Sorry to hear that :( Did your application status change to Selection made before that?

    It went right to rejection...unless it changed for 10 hours and I missed it. I have heard rumors that some rejected applications are wait-listed, but I doubt that is the case with me because it is so early.

  3. Congrats to the IU, Penn, and Pittsburgh admits! :)

    Thanks! I am experiencing less email checking anxiety now. :) I thought that I would hear from the others by now, but something tells me that IU will be the best offer.

    How many grads are going to try to change their state of residence and get in-state tuition? I know that there are a lot of complicated rules for undergrads who try to do this, but we are older and not dependent on parents... Thoughts?

  4. xylogirl10 - NYU seems to take its time. I don't think theirs roll out until March.

    Thanks! This is good to know!

    re postmen: I started to bond with them during last year's application season, as I would get home from work just as they were getting to my door. When I got the one big envelope, the postman knocked on my door so that he could personally hand it to me and see my face light up. :) Has anyone else gotten to this level? As I'm not living at home, I'm starting to get paranoid whenever I see my parents online, just in case something came in the mail. I'm also paranoid that they will put it in a pile and forgot to open it...

    Does anyone else not have access to their mail? Is it driving you crazy too?

  5. Has anyone here heard from UC Santa Barbara or NYU? The previous years' posts in the results forum hasn't given me much to go by...

    Also, did anyone here go to one of the IU weekend interviews? I couldn't go in person, but I'd like to hear someone's take on the school and the information they gave. PM me? Please? :)

    I didn't apply to Princeton, but, wow, they are seriously not messing around this year... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys who did apply!

  6. Absolutely :) Wait until you've gotten official word from the schools--Don't make any assumptions based on anonymous posts in the results forum. Honestly, some of them may very well be fraudulent.

    So many people are relying on this site to keep them sane. I think Dante left out the circle of hell that is filled by people who are mean enough to mess with our fragile states of mind right now... I really hope no one is posting false results :(

  7. Congrats to those who have gotten acceptances and interviews!

    One of my skype interviewers seemed really interested in my other schools and who I would want to study with there. This may be me getting a bit paranoid and buying into some rumors, but, since the interviewer knows the people at the other schools, would the person contact them? Or try to find out when the other schools make decisions?

  8. Has anybody reading this ever applied / is applying to McGill? It's asking my referees to email letter directly to admissions (odd) and also nothing is updating on my MINERVA tracking page.

    I'm having the same problem. The admission department told me to have my referees send it directly, just like what you are doing.

  9. Video game music, I now know why you are looking at Cornell ;)

    Alas, I only have a Bachelor's. I'm trying to get into a PhD program, even if it is one that awards a Masters along the way. I know what I want to do, and I have research experience, so I'm going to attempt for a PhD!

    I feel very backwards as I seem to be doing my dissertation research before I've even started a program... I started this project as an undergrad for an honors thesis two years ago. I applied for a Fulbright to Poland because I didn't have the resources back in the states to finish it. Snes, I feel like I took your grad school approach to this project. When I found the manuscripts I just thought "Oh cool! something no one has studied before! I'll make a performance edition. la la la this will be fun!" Fast-forward and I'm suddenly in Poland eating mushroom flavored chips...

  10. *angry eyebrows*

    ^I appreciate that! I'm also revamping everything.

    The neuroscience route sounds pretty cool. How were you linking your plan of study with ethno last year? My research has a lot of crossover, but I'm trying to stay in the musicology realm. I'm trying to find a program that lets me dabble in both fields. The schools I was looking at last year told me to apply for ethno, but I have no previous experience in that field...so I didn't get in.

    I'm currently in Poland researching Polish Catholic music that was written during the Holocaust. Some of it is folk music, while some of it is more traditional church music. I had a hard time finding a school that was interested in this topic, let alone a potential advisor. I'm a bit worried that I'm hurting my chances by researching something so uncommon and specific. I'm trying to combine it with my interest in early music by studying Polish medieval and Renaissance music while I'm here.

    On another topic; how does one go about interviews when they are abroad? Is skype considered unprofessional? I can't fly to the states for interviews as I have a limited number of days that I can spend outside of this country.

  11. Hi guys! While it is nice to see familiar "faces," I'm sorry we're meeting again on the application forum. I can't believe I have to go through this process again! The school that accepted me wouldn't defer for a research grant...

    I'm picking a slighty different round of schools this time. I'm on the fence about UT Austin. Anyone know something about their musicology program or its funding?

    Other schools:




    possibly Cornell?

  12. Does anyone have the details of the medical forms? I am having my physical exam done beforehand just to be ready (my doctor said she can fill out the forms afterwards based on the previous exam & my records). I want to make sure I have the appropriate immunizations & tests (I am applying for Europe, if that makes any difference).

    I remember reading that we needed to get a TB skin test (aka PPD) can anyone confirm this? Also, is the Hepatitis B vaccination required, and do we need to show blood test lab results (titers) or just documentation of the shots? Any details on required immunizations/ vaccinations are MUCH appreciated!

    :D Finally, I want to extend a big CONGRATS to all of you accepted Fulbrighters and GOOD LUCK to all of you (like me) who are still waiting on the "large manila envelope" of glory!

    Hi, I'm looking at the lab stuff. My doctor has the actual for so he can review it before hand. I spent the past few hours scrambling with my doctor's office to make sure I'd had everything in. I thought about scheduling a physical in advance, but I was afraid I'd jinx it (silly, I know).

    There is a TB test, hematology (Heatocrit, Hemoglobin, WBC, Granulocytes, Lymphocytes, Eosinophils, other?), the basics (cholesterol, blood glucose, Creatinine, Uric Acid, SGPT, SGOT, Alk Phos, Billrubin), and a urinalysis. The optional tests are: sickle hemoglobin and serology. It is a fasting test.

    There are some extra test for if you are over forty.

    The other part of the examination is the physical itself, but you can easily do what I'm doing and get the lab stuff done a week before to make sure everything is in.

    We have to look on the countries site (the government's site, not fulbright) to get the details of the immunizations.

    Hey Mgla, see you in Wroclaw! Assuming I pass all of the crazy forms and tests, of course...

    Good luck to everyone who is still waiting

    Crimson: Thank you keeping track of the spreadsheets! You rock!

  13. So... should we agree to wait until next Wednesday (03/30) or something, and then if none of us Poland applicants have heard, email Rachel?

    I like this plan! I was thinking about sending an email on Monday. It is a shame they don't put updates on the Polish Fulbright website like the other countries :(

  14. i am starting to regret having looked at least year's spreadsheet, because it suggests that Poland heard back by this time last year, but there is not enough data to really generalize.

    what kind of grant are you waiting on?

    I regret looking at the Polish section of last year's spread sheet, too!... :( I have to let my grad school know by the 15th of April. Has anyone heard anything?

    Mgla: Which university in Wroclaw did you apply to? I was accepted to the University of Wroclaw's music program and their ethnography program for my project. Good luck to both of us!

  15. Do countries usually send out the ETA's and research grants at the same time? I'm the only researcher for Poland on the spread sheet...

    Congrats to everyone who has been accepted!

    Thank you for the spread sheets!

  16. Honestly I'm just excited to be surrounded by peers who actually care about musicology.

    It will be awesome!

    Wait...what's this about a one year masters program? I was admitted through the master's thesis track. Is this the same thing? I can't find anything on their website. I'm a bit hesitant about asking my future advisor about this since we agreed I shouldn't officially accept (and start planning) until I hear back from Fulbright. :( Anyone else going a bit crazy waiting to find out what state/country/continent they will be living in next year?

  17. Thanks for the info! Are you going for your PhD or Masters? I'm going for the course-based masters option. I'm thinking that perhaps they're more generous with funding when it comes to the PhD candidates... i'll apply for a TA position at least. I'm already a canadian citizen but of Ontario, so I dont' think I'll be paying Quebec tuition either. What are you planning on researching?

    I'm going for my masters (thesis) and my PhD. I'm researching a few different things: Music of the Holocaust, Slavonic music, and folklore/folk music in relation to early music and romantic music. In a very roundabout way, these do all relate...I swear.

    What is your specialization?

  18. Just found this forum, I got my acceptance from McGill last month but they still haven't gotten back to me on funding... I had to resend my transcripts because my marks from first term weren't available the first time I sent them.... Also, anyone apply to Dalhousie's new musicology masters program?? McGill is my number one choice so I was obviously thrilled to get in, but obviously the more money they offer the better. What are people's fields of interest?

    Hi, fellow McGill bound musicologist here! I just received a Mcgill funding offer in the form of an RA position a few days ago. I'm told If I do well with it, I'll get more opportunities, but nothing past my first two years is promised. I think the professors are still picking their future RA/TA students. When I visited the school last summer, I did hear that it was tricky for Americans to get funding. Our first year is the most expensive, but, luckily, we pay what Quebec students pay after the first 2 years...which isn't too bad...Yay living off ramen!

    I hope I helped, good luck! Hopefully they will send you something.

  19. Hello, has anyone applying for a research grant to Russia been contacted for an interview?

    Is Poland one of the countries that conducts phone interviews? Would the interviews be in English or the the language of our future host country?

  20. Congrats on McGill! I haven't heard anything from anybody, although I didn't apply to any of your schools. It's driving me crazy. What's your specialty?


    I'm primarily researching Slavonic music and music written during the Holocaust.

    So I just found out that Penn didn't get my transcript. I saw something was missing, but it didn't say what. The site said it can take weeks to update everything. I just followed up to double check and they told me not to resend it because they are already reading applications. I asked if I could send a pdf of a transcript I have (I had to get a copy with the registrar's seal for my Fulbright application), but I haven't heard back... Anyone have something similar happen? Do I still have a chance or am I weeded out?

  21. Hi, everyone! I just wanted to say good luck. I went through this horrible process of applying and then waiting for decisions last year. After much agonizing, I decided on CUNY for PhD Ethno. For anyone who applied to CUNY, decisions come out really soon. They usually interview prospective students the first or second week of February and letters come out shortly afterwards. I found out unofficially from the professors who had interviewed me the second week of February.

    The one piece of advice that I do have to give is about funding. Whatever your acceptance letter is, it is a first offer. There is no reason why you can't negotiate for a better package: often, the funding offer might be from the university as a whole instead of the department or school of music. Call and talk to someone, whether it is the dean of your department or anyone at financial aid. If they want you to come, they will find a way to make the package more attractive. Trust me. No matter how the conversation goes, they probably can't take back your acceptance letter or lower whatever offer they have already made. I did this with each program that accepted me, and it worked out very, very well.

    Any advice on how to enter in to these negotiations? My top choice is McGill for musicology, but they don't offer Americans much by the way of funding... I am fortunate to not have undergrad loans to pay off, but I have very little funds and I am aware that I may not have a job right after I get finish my PhD.

    I only applied to three schools. Every told me how risky that was, but my uncommon specialty limited my choices.

    U Penn: Anthropology of Music

    Pitt: Ethnomusicology


    I just heard from McGill online :) waiting for my offical packet to come in the mail! Any one hear from U Penn of Pitt? I didn't see anything on their websites about interviews. Anyone hear anything?

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