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Decaf (2/10)



  1. please reply people! lol thanks.
  2. Hello, I am new to Grad-School Cafe and realized that this is a great website where grad school "virgins" can learn about those who are more seasoned by the grad-school experience. Let me tell you a little bit about my background, I hold a BA in Political-Science from a small but prestigious Catholic University (it was expensive too but I won't rant about that) and I have long since graduated and find myself unemployed. I have decided to give Grad-School a try. I have read everything about grad-school to what it's like (some have compared it to gnawing your own leg off while others have said it can simply be hell if one is not right for it). Well I've been in school all my life and do not mind reading, provided what I am reading is of interest to me. I digress, my question is basically that I am interested in obtaining my Masters in Public Adminstration or Public Policu (dunno which one yet) but I have heard that MPA has less of a focus on math? (I don't mind economics as much) and additionally what worries me is I have less than a perfect GPA It's a bit under a 3.0, should I try to do anything about that? It is too late? and how do I go about studying for the GRE so I can obtain the best score possible and since they do require work experience, how do I get some if nobody is willing to hire me? Thanks in advance.
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