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Everything posted by pickupsticks

  1. Well Grad Cafe.. I'm done waiting. I accepted my offer to attend VCU! Can't wait to hear who else is going there. Pratt- waitlist RISD- interviewed, still no word CCA- accepted VCU- accepted I have to say to the kids out there that are feeling bad about not getting in this year.. there's still time! Keep making art and try again! Good luck everyone!
  2. The date on my slideroom application for pratt has changed. It went from 3/15 to the end of the month. So this may have already come up, but how awful would it be to accept somewhere and then (in the off-chance you get in or get more money from another school later) change your mind, and decide not to go there? Someone said to me earlier this week, "athletes do it all the time," which is true, but I would feel really bad.. even though they've made me aware of the long waitlist of strong candidates they have.
  3. I'm with ya. It's the last school I am waiting to hear from.
  4. @ Bonsai: That's great! I'm glad that you were given a merit scholarship!~it's good to know there was some money out there. Can I ask which dept you applied through? @Cobalt: I forgot, did you hear from Pratt?
  5. So NONE of us got these so-called merit scholarships? I don't believe it... Anyway, I think Grad school is a great investment, although I already owe a fair amount for my undergrad, so how much is too much? Are any of you fellow CCA kids planning to visit next month? What do you think is the most amount of 'financial aid' we can expect? I'm still pretty depressed about it all.
  6. Official acceptance letter from CCA came today... information on 'how to accept/enroll' but no word on funding. Anyone get this packet in the mail? Did you have any scholarship info? I'm guessing I was not awarded any merit scholarships, although I think they also offer need-based money too. Ughhhh. It was great to be accepted, but kinda bummed right now!
  7. HATED, hated? Ugh. I am going to visit the school soon, but it's probably where I will end up. When you say 'college-y', do you mean like Frat boy parties and peeing in the alley? I don't know if I could do that. Thanks for the info about Short-pump.. not a suburbs kind of person either. Favorite bar/restaurant you'd recommend?(even if I'm only there for a night.. Thank you for responding. I appreciate the advice- good and bad!
  8. Boo:( I'm sorry to hear. On to the next one? Do you live in or near NY? I haven't heard anything yet, and I truly cannot take it anymore.
  9. There is a good possibility that I will be moving to Richmond in a few months and was just looking for some updated info. I see that most of these posts are from 2009. From what I gather, 'the fan' is a good place to live for grad students? I am hoping to live near the fine arts building/studios.. is finding an apartment within walking distance possible? Are there any rental companies/individuals you have had a good experience renting from? Any advice is great! Thank you!!
  10. Oh man.. that sounds really great! I know I don't know you, but I am really happy for you! Pratt is/was one of my top choices. I really hope to hear from them soon.
  11. Congrats Swanson!! How did you hear?! When did you hear?!
  12. Pratt? Anybody? I know one person said they had an interview... any others? My slideroom has March 15th deadline- I wonder if that means anything. I can't wait!
  13. Aghh, you're freakin' me out man. I just searched my junk mailbox.. nothing. Did the interview request come today? And congratulations!
  14. Did anyone apply to RISD textiles dept? or know anyone attending RISD in the textile dept? Just looking for some insight on the program!
  15. Anyone else get the email from Pratt this morning? My heart stopped for a second-then I opened it... 'we received your application, letters mailed by april 1st.' What a tease!
  16. Hey CCA kids- I absolutely do not have a web advisor log in. It was not on any email, believe me I've checked. So, I'm wondering if your number is anything specific? social security, telephone, birth date? Oh man! I might have to wait until Monday... that's tooooo long! On the flip side, interview at RISD! Anyone taking the phone interview instead of flying there? Last minute flights from the midwest to Providence are ridiculous!
  17. no! Don't go back and look at admission requirements NOW!! I am sure you were diligent about checking for necessary requirements when you applied a couple months ago... so don't torture yourself! -on a side note, I did this very same thing last week, with a different school. ha!
  18. Luijohn- got an interview at RISD!? Woo hoo! Anyone else? I can't wait... this suspense is too much. ( i haven't heard anything yet )
  19. whew! Based on last year, we've still got a few weeks to wait for RISD. I really hope to hear from CCA this week. I still can't log into their web advisor.. (I wasn't able to find an email with my sign-in name or password, boo.) --So please let me know when you hear! Also, I know i asked before, but are you in Design for all three of these schools?
  20. Yes, I received my BFA in '06. What about you?
  21. I can't seem to login to the webadvisor!? should i have a login and password already?
  22. Same here...but next week isn't too far away. My fingers are crossed too!!
  23. Did anyone who interviewed with CCA hear back? If I remember right, they said we would know in the next 'couple weeks?' Or maybe I made that up!
  24. Thanks for the info. I think I would really like VA as well. Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to visit! I had a very informal phone interview with a faculty member, unexpected. And then a follow up email. No final decision, although I will know later this week! I'm very hopeful!
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