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  1. Hey everyone. I was accepted into a PhD in Applied Anthropology at TC, and fully expected SOME sort of funding, considering it IS a PhD at an Ivy, even though I heard rumors that they don't offer any funding. And, at least for my program, it's true -- no funding! I called the department and they said that TC, unlike Columbia, does not have an endowment because in the 70s they decided to get rid of the endowment in order to have more autonomy. Personally, I would never consider paying for a PhD. I'm assuming if you got into such a great program you also are capable of getting a PhD or Ed. D without paying for it yourself. I opted instead for a masters program with some funding in order to work toward a funded PhD in the future. Your program may be different, so I'm sure there's still hope for you . After I got a clear-cut answer, I just decided I had to move on from TC. Good luck!
  2. Hi Hoping, I'm in a similar situation. I was accepted into a Masters program at Stanford, but with zero funding. I visited and loved it. It really was/is my dream school, dream place, dream(ish) faculty! My loan debt will also be close to 100,000 after completing the masters, and I'm having a hard time accepting the decision with that kind of financial stress looming over me. I also got into Penn with 13,500 and a program at U Chicago with half tuition. After talking to a few faculty from my undergrad, I've decided I must take these offers seriously and go visit. I'm wondering, what is your impression of Penn? Fortunately, since I was admitted so late, I have longer to decide and can plan a quick visit there for next week. Did you visit? Have you talked with anyone there? So many people in my life are saying I'd be crazy NOT to go to Stanford, but they also won't be the ones dealing with this debt after my year in paradise is over ( ). Let me know what you're thinking about Penn!
  3. Also -- does TC have an admit day for PhDs?? I'm thrilled to be accepted but a little puzzled by the lack of available information!
  4. Congrats to everyone! Does anyone know about PhD funding?
  5. Thanks for the reply! It's nice to know others have this anxiety too. My program is only a 1 year program, so what you've said about second year funding doesn't apply to me. But, finding external funding is a good point! However, I think a lot of the deadlines have passed -- I'm not sure what world I was living in when I should have been applying for those. But yes, I hope others have some good advice for us...
  6. I don't want this to be a whining post or anything! I'm just wondering who else is going through the same thought processes as I am about facing the same astronomical amount of debt as I am. I got accepted into a masters at my dream school.......but with zero funding -- which will bring my loan totals, including undergrad, to almost 100,000! I should mention that being a recent grad, I really don't have much savings to speak of. I got offers at other schools, with up to half funding, but obviously they aren't my top choice, and most of the programs really can't compare. Is anyone else facing the prospect of taking on loans of this magnitude? And if you've already decided to, what are you doing to cope?! Thanks for the info.......I still have to go to the visit days and check these places out, but anyone's input will help!
  7. Is that posting from today on the results page legit? Has anyone else heard anything yet? I thought we had at least another week.
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