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Everything posted by zaphod_beeblebrox

  1. So it's already past the 22nd of April. Has anyone successfully applied for the Housing and Dining online? I tried myself, but there seems to be some error. Also, I fail to understand why webauth continuously keeps asking us to login; and keeps directing us to its webpage several times before actually loading the Housing and Dining application! Z.B.
  2. Yes, it's 22nd April this year, and the deadline is May 7th for first round of lottery. I checked it up today with Stanford Housing.
  3. Hi, Has anyone started applying for graduate housing? The brochure mentions that first year housing for grads is guaranteed if we apply before the May 7th deadline; but the Axess portal's housing section isn't working for me. (Although I've registered with a SUNet ID and all that jazz). Just wanted to find out what's up with others who are headed to Stanford, and want on-campus housing.
  4. Hi. I am an international student, and I'll also be headed to Stanford. But I am unable to register for student housing. When you mention that you many list Rains and Munger above it, I wanted to know whether Axess's Housing portal is working for you (because it isn't working for me at present). Thanks!
  5. Cornell's visit weekend was last weekend right? Did anyone go to that? Can someone who visited provide some information along the lines of what michigantrumpet did for CMU. It would be quite useful to those of us who didn't get a chance to visit the universities.
  6. Hi, I saw in the gradcafe results page that someone had posted an admit into CMU's ACO (math) program. Does anyone have any info on admits into this program via SCS or Tepper? Last year, about this time, the results were out (at least from Tepper, as far as I know).
  7. Great review michigantrumpet! I second mav3rick---I'm also an international student and would love to hear info about more schools, in particular Berkeley, and Stanford. Well, the thing that surprised me (more than the ~ 5% acceptance rate) was the fact that they expect 2/3rds of the invited students to decline the offers? Sounds a little too risky? Or is that the norm? I'm reminded of what my friend told me about Berkeley (I read it elsewhere in the forum, I forget where); basically in the theory group at berkeley, they gave 10 admits last time around, expecting only around six to take it. But no one dropped it, and that meant that this year, they could take only about 3-4 students :-(
  8. I interned at Microsoft Research's India lab (at Bangalore), and that lab actually has a separate position for research work right after a bachelor's degree (or in some cases, master's from an Indian university). It's called a Assistant Researcher (as opposed to post-doc, or full-time Researcher positions), and basically it is a 2-year contract where you actually get to work on research problems that other researchers there work on. I've seen a few people gain a lot of research experience, publish a few papers (~ 2-3 of them) and get really good universities in the US (Berk/MIT/UW...) after two years. It's a new initiative (the lab started off only in 2005), and from what I've heard, it's unique among the MSRs.
  9. He or she has already probably got a Masters degree from somewhere? I've known people who blindly tend to submit papers (even if they don't end up in great conferences).
  10. So do they send out rejections before they send out admits? What about the whole online admission/rejection thing? Is that a rumour? Does anyone have any idea what MIT's usual policy of announcing admissions/rejections are??
  11. Hi, To the guy who posted in the results section about the phone call from Stanford: Can you elaborate further? Was it an interview or just a congratulatory phone call? In what area in CS did you apply?
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