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Posts posted by sparkle456

  1. I have no idea what everyone's specific story is, so I don't want to generalize. This has to feel awful...but DO NOT feel defeated. You're obviously bright and put forth a lot of effort in the application process. It's draining!

    It's all about fit. Not to be mean, but you seriously have to evaluate programs based on what fits your research interests, what your UG rsch is based off of, etc. And if not straight up PhD's, apply to MA's and work from there. And of course apply to some "reach" schools and realize there are no "safe" schools.

    You will see the results once you find places that are for you. for real!

  2. I'm really glad to see this post. I don't see any reason to give up hope/feel that academia is not for you. Do you want to go into a straight up PhD program? or, are you applying to MAs? Is funding important? I KNOW there are MA's in counseling/psychology or marriage and family therapy that will accept many qualified applicants.

    If you are rejected this time from possibly highly ranked schools, would an MA from a slightly lower ranked graduate and professional school help?? What is your plan/why are you getting the degree??

    I'm curious and wanting to help!!

  3. manilowese, i suggest the possibility of deferring for 1 year. I too was accepted to Brandeis and it also my dream school! however, the lack of a stipend will make it impossible to go. I don't know your exact situation, but would deferring help you?

    also, i'd suggest asking for an extension from the school w/the april 3rd deadline...i too had to ask for an extension and it was granted. so...i hope it works out for you!!

  4. I think if you haven't already, look at the program's website to see what they say about this. Some programs say if you've been out of school for 5+ years (or something similar) that work related references are acceptable. I'm sure they understand that not all students go to graduate school straight out of undergraduate coursework.

    With that said, I would definitely ask someone who is familiar with your work ethic, ability to complete tasks, etc. (like a supervisor as you mentioned). You could always set up a meeting to discuss your plans, how this degree would help your career, etc. It's a slippery slope b/c what if they are not ok with you leaving? Or, would you be planning on staying w/the company during/after?? But, if someone who is supervising you can speak to your qualities, I think that would help a lot.

    I agree with contacting a previous professor and showing them your CV, work sample, etc.

    I would even contact the program you are applying to and ask them what they are looking for in terms of references. It will show that you are truly interested and that you understand the competition and want to stand out!

    Good luck and this is just my opinion, of course.

  5. Maybe it depends on how close you are to your profs, but yes, I am sure they would love to find out!! Maybe I'm a bit out of the norm, I've been sending the 2 that I am closest to, everything I find out as soon as I find out.

    So, obliged? no, i agree with the previous post, but i'm sure they like to know so they can gloat! and so they can also have an idea of the caliber of programs that their students get into. that can help them advise students for years to come.

  6. This is just my opinion, but I think you'll be fine. Given your past experience and the fact that it's in a different program, I wouldn't worry about it. And if you're really concerned, I would email one of the people in the department to see what they think.

    Good luck, it sounds like you'll be just fine!!

  7. For me, I can honestly say that it does sting more to be admitted without funding than to be rejected. I only put in one PhD application last year and was admitted without funding. Granted, it was an overseas program but it was a real stinker not to be able to attend. If you get rejected the door is closed. With an acceptance (non-funded) it creates all of the 'what if' scenarios.

    Due to budget cuts, it looks like a lot of schools are finalizing their funding after admitting students. People who are waitlisted for funding will probably move up the line as others decline program offers.

    Here's to hoping money trickles our way...

    I second this, completely. I have 2 MA acceptances, one which I just found out is funded (thank God) but the other (at a school I'd rather attend) is not.

    I really felt like it was worse to be "good enough academically" but "just bad enough to be ineligible for money"

    I feel your pain.

  8. I should edit what I meant here...I heard from School C. I Interviewed there...now it's just a matter of waiting.

    I keep like checking my phone, email, etc. every 5 seconds!! It's getting draining but I was mostly venting and wondering if anyone else is getting impatient like me.

  9. Sigh...I am really at wits end. I am so sick of waiting. First, I find out that school A is having their meet-n-greet this weekend (and I have heard nothing from them).

    Then, I find out someone was accepted to school B the day after I contacted them to inquire about my app status.

    And there's school C...my first choice. The only perceivable chance left at going straight to PhD after UG.

    Grr. Is anyone else just tired of it?

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