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  1. nervousnelly


    My faith in the results board has been decimated. Last night I searched "smurf" to see if anyone had posted results from that fantastic village. There weren't any results, but I held my breath for a moment while I waited.
  2. nervousnelly


    If the results page is to be believed, someone got their results today. Huh. Did you get an e-mail? I didn't get anything yet. Or are you just checking the application page?
  3. nervousnelly


    Pretty funny.
  4. Hi all, I will probably be attending Stanford in the fall, and my partner may be at Berkeley (if fortune smiles on us -- fingers crossed!!). We have two dogs, and are not independently wealthy, lol. He's a young professor, and I'm an older-ish grad student. Where might be a good place for us to live? We currently live in a large city and prefer that to a suburban feel, but we would also need to have reasonable commutes on both ends. And, no matter what, our dogs are coming with us!! Any suggestions would be great, so that I could start looking for housing. Thanks for any help you can provide!!
  5. I am going to agree with the vast majority here who say be formal until explicitly told otherwise or until you are very, very familiar with them (which probably won't happen until you've been their student for a while). But I wanted to add this: I have heard my own mother (who is a psychology prof.) get angry when students (usually undergraduates) assume that she is not a professor because she is a woman. You'd be surprised how often it happens. In the same note, they'll address her male colleague as "Dr. So-and-so" and they'll call her "Mrs. Last-name." Sometimes this will continue even after she's sent them e-mails with her title and rank in the signature. (For what it's worth, I think studies actually show that women are less likely to be addressed by their professional title than are men.) Anyway, I know that until she says otherwise with a student, she expects the title. She might be more sensitive about this than others, but I suspect not by much.
  6. Have to agree. How hard would it be to draft a more appropriate letter? "We wish you well in your future endeavors" would be less condescending than "We are sure someone else will take you," when, clearly, they are saying this to everyone who applied and got rejected.
  7. Original post-er: Since you haven't heard from HGSE, and you have two killer offers, why not send them a brief update on your situation? It might help if they saw you were in demand at good schools and also had a very good reason for choosing to attend their program. Better to act sooner rather than later, I would think.
  8. nervousnelly


    I looked at that a while back, but it doesn't really say what has changed. I guess what I mean is, why are they now likely to take significantly fewer students than before?
  9. nervousnelly


    Interesting news -- thanks for sharing it! I'm not sure I know what you mean by "overhauled program." What happened?
  10. baseball player
  11. nervousnelly


    Looking at last year's results, it seems like UVA might be gearing up to send out results around now. Has anyone heard from them?
  12. player hater
  13. sensitive artist
  14. mix tape
  15. From my boyfriend, who got in everywhere he applied except for Harvard (i.e., elite schools), and just got his PhD from a school that didn't take me: "Well... I didn't get into Harvard."
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