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Everything posted by ritapita

  1. Awesome!! thats a tough one to get into. You will love the faculty there... Tomiko Jones is one of my favs, and an alum from UofA, where I am post-bacc'ing right now.
  2. Don't do it. Its too late. If your app is already in, you are already in the decision cycle and they will think you are last-chancing it by trying to meet with them after-the-fact. They will see it as 'why didn't she take the time to meet with us before the app?' The portfolio is what they will look at mostly, and if you are in, you are in. If you are waitlisted, then by all means get in there and meet whoever you can, because sometimes if it is the right person, they will make a spot. That happened to two of my fellow MFA students last year. It is 100% best to meet with faculty before you apply, and then keep in touch. That way when your portfolio does come across their desk, they will remember you and have a better idea how to interpret your portfolio. Right now they are doing that with all the prospectives that did meet with them. I wasted a lot of time and money and energy meeting with faculty at tons of schools before applying with full intention of applying to them all. I ended up only applying to two of my choices....and got in at both...one I met with, one I didn't. The one I met with, I know I would not have gotten in had I not met with them before, because I was applying to an area that was new for me. Explaining my reasoning in person made a huge difference in them understanding why they would see my app. It worked! Once you are in, or are waitlisted, or selected for interview, THEN meet with them because then they will want to talk to you. Good luck!
  3. Good luck and keep me posted!! Its a great photo program. I am primarily photo but do some video and performance too which is why I went Intermedia....let me know what happens!
  4. Dont worry about what discipline you get in under. With ASU and many schools nowadays they encourage working across disciplines. All that matters is that you got in. Many schools, including UofA where I just left, bring in people under other disciplines if their quota for one discipline is short and they know they want that person. Don't take it personal for sure. My guess is that painting was full and they still knew they wanted you so they brought you in under your secondary focus. At ASU you will be able to paint. Once you are there you can also formally change your dept focus. Even if you don't you are able to work with any faculty available that will help you grow in the program - which is fine arts. I did an in-depth visit there a couple months ago and that was a major part of the discussion. The real thing you want to ensure is that you choose your thesis committee to fit your needs. You can chose committee members from any discipline there....I have a friend that just left the painting dept at ASU and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Let me know if you chose to go to ASU and we can meet up - Im not painting, I am Intermedia, but I am sure we will do some theory classes etc together if you go.! I am in Tucson and just finished 1.5 yrs of grad non-degree fine arts work at the UofA (which would have been a GREAT place for you to go for painting!) Good luck in your choices, and keep me posted!!
  5. From what I understand from talking to Otis over the last several months, it is very department specific about notifications, and when I did talk to an advisor last week, she said notifications will be early March for most everyone. I have been in direct contact with my department head (which is not painting) over several months, and have been given a "looks good" verbal from her. I am going out there to do a Practicum with them in a couple weeks, so I assume I will know for sure by then. I would guess they would not be continually inviting me out to do work with them, if I wasn't in however. I believe I am just waiting on a formality but I never take anything for granted. Let me know when you hear! if you get in, let me know as well and maybe we can grab a coffee...
  6. Buffalo was a super yes to apply to, and I talked to them many many times over the last few months, and got to know some of them pretty well over the phone but when it came down to it, I didn't apply. They even called to make sure I was, but I decided to only apply to my 2 favs : ASU and Otis. ASU I have a written acceptance, Otis I have a 'verbal-ish'. Would have loved to go to Buffalo...good luck!! -
  7. Accepted to ASU Intermedia on 2/10/11 - good luck
  8. Accepted to ASU Intermedia on 2/10/11. Lots of decisions to make. Waiting on final word from Otis Public Practice.
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