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Everything posted by giveitago

  1. I am applying to Yale's doctoral program in Chinese Lit. Their director Jing Tsu Skye interviewed me a week or so ago. She said that my applications are currently under consideration. No idea what that's supposed to mean. Anyone else having the same situation?
  2. I am applying to Yale's doctoral program in Chinese Lit. Jing Tsu Skye interviewed me a week or so ago. She said that my applications are currently under consideration. No idea what that's supposed to mean. Anyone else having the same situation?
  3. 3 single-spaced pages too much for my statement? Is it advisable to name the professors I hope to work with?
  4. Hi I am posting this in hopes of having your input concerning my plans to transfer. I am currently enrolled in a COLT PhD program and in fact greatly enjoy what I am doing here. Unfortunately, I have to transfer elsewhere due to my partner's job relocation. Yes, it might sound a bit irrational, but to me my relationship means much more than where I eventually receive my terminal degree—and I am not a big fan of long-distance relationship. Okay, my questions are about letters of recommendation, and P.S. To begin with, do you think it's a good idea at all to ask professors I have worked with in my current program to write me letters of recommendation? I don't mean professors that are housed within my department; but those who are not formally affiliated with my program (no doubt that we in COLT work across departments.) Their letters should definitely enhance my chances, because I have grown so much intellectually during my stay here, for which their letters should speak. If I do ask professors here, how do you think I should approach the topic and address them properly? It might be very embarrassing and feel stupid to be turned down. And even worse, what if they report, or disclose this carelessly , to my program director and yet I end up not succeed in transferring, which is very possible, given the competitions? Secondly, how should I, if at all, address this issue in my P.S.? Should I be honest in saying that it is for personal reasons that I am transferring? Or should I make a case that, say, their program is a much better fit? Or should I just not mention this, assuming the admission people will figure it out anyways? I would much appreciate your suggestions or even sharing of your similar experiences. In any event, good luck, everyone, with your applications. I can not believe I am doing this all over again. This whole application process is simply a roller coaster.
  5. I emailed Berkeley. Here it is: "Official letters are sent out in early March. I let you know in advance that we had many strong candidates and a very small number of places and we regret that you were not offered admission. I wish you all the best for your plans for graduate studies."
  6. Apparently, this e-mail qualifies him as a professor of RHETORIC.
  7. Sorry about that. I have heard nothing from them. Maybe I should shoot the DGS an e-mail. The moment of truth.
  8. It seems that next week will be very eventful!
  9. But there is also a reject on the results board. I have received nothing. I guess wave after wave
  10. what about cornell and stanford? any news?
  11. I guess that will be rejection letters. Acceptance letters are sent in a personal fashion by the department
  12. Frankly, I'd prefer immediate rejects to endless waiting with false hope:-(
  13. For those COLT applicants, have you heard anything from Brown/Cornell/Stanford? I received nothing whatsoever, but according to the board, one admit to Brown, two to Cornell, and one admit plus one reject by Stanford.
  14. Do you know when and how they'll be starting to notify their decisions?
  15. I emailed them and here is their reply: The committee will meet this afternoon and notification will begin on Tuesday.
  16. seems the department is financially troubled
  17. I can totally understand how you feel! This is totally crazy! I wonder if it's more than unprofessional! Even so,I would say,don't feel so bad,after all--it could be even worse for you to get in and work with people like that! Hope you are better
  18. I have already received my MA,so they won't forward me. Oregon has incessant rain! I have been accepted into their comparative lit program Will visit their campus March. Thank you! Good luck! BTW,Minnesota is a great school! Congratulations.
  19. Hi how did you know you are rejected by UChicago? I have heard nothing from them. Thank ya
  20. Isn't he great??!! He is a true inspiration. I read his book that uses Chinese fortune cookie as a sort of synecdoche. Original, insightful and a brilliant execution of theories. I would strongly recommend him to anyone who wants to study rhetoric,esp.comparative rhetoric and minority rhetoric. Life coach?? He even takes up that job? Even more impressive!
  21. Thank you very much. Congratulations. I conveniently visited the Miami campus when I was visiting Cincinnati. Absolutely one of the most beautiful campuses!! Impressed. And there is this amazing professor LuMing Mao. He is a nice person and a respected scholar. I applied primarily because of him. But now I am not sure,if admitted,if I would go. I have two offers from UCLA and Oregon. BUT the more I think of the campus and Professor Mao,the more appealing Miami becomes to me,not to mention other wonderful things of the program.
  22. Hi did you get accepted into Miami University's program? I have heard nothing from them Thanks.
  23. I got accepted into this PhD program in Comparative lit at University of Oregon, with full funding. Has anyone had any experience with this program? Is it a respected program? I would appreciate your input. Thank you.
  24. and what about its funding??
  25. Hi there I just got into the PhD program in Applied Linguistics at UCLA. Did anyone have any experience with this program? I need to get myself more informed before I make a final decision. I'd appreciate your input. Thank ya. Have a good one!
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