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Everything posted by smdurns

  1. Thank you very eponine, your response was a huge help. Greatly appreciated
  2. Hi everyone, its been awhile since I've been on here. I'm presently a graduate student at the London School of Economics working on obtaining my Masters in the History of International Relations. It is my intention to apply to various international relations PhD programs for 2014 admission. Two schools that have recently come under my radar are the University of Washington Jackson School and the University of Minnesota owing to certain factors (namely my long time girlfriend who is more keen on living in these cities). As I stated, I'm going to apply to various other programs and as a masters student I'm aware of the importance of looking for faculty with relevant interests,etc. I'm looking for feedback regarding these two programs as far as student satisfaction, funding, academic reputation, placement capabilities, networking, etc. I'm aware of ppl like Bud Duvall and others at Minnesota and alumni such as Alexander Wendt, but that is largely it. My interests are U.S. foreign policy and international relations theory. As far as regions go, both Northeast Asia and the Middle East catch my attention, but regional areas are more of a secondary concern to IR theory and U.S. Foreign Policy in a broader sense. Any feedback whatsoever on these two programs would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  3. smdurns


    Hey, for all of you UVA history people. What fields did you apply for and who did you state that you wanted to work with? Looking at last year it seems that results were announced around this week. Best of luck to everyone!
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