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Everything posted by truckasaurus

  1. Me too! Still waiting to hear back from Columbia, I guess, and then I was waitlisted at a polisci department that I might consider, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty solid about Washington. Here's a question: when is it polite to start notifying the schools that you're pretty sure you're not going to go to? The neurotic in me wants to wait until you've made your final notification to the school you do go with just to make sure they don't get cold feet and leave you stranded (not that this would happen, I'm just saying), but I don't want to make people's lives difficult or anything.
  2. When my friend's dad got into the polisci PhD program at Chicago in the 60s, his cohort was almost 100! Well, it's better for the job market this way, I guess... So are any of the Penn admits besides mgallop reading this thread? If so, where else did you get in? As a waitlister, I'm just trying to gauge my chances.
  3. Thanks! Hey, I'll take it.
  4. Just got an e-mail from Penn saying that I was admitted, but I was on a waitlist for funding, but that I couldn't matriculate without funding. So...that means I'm waitlisted? You all seem to be much better informed about all this than I am.
  5. Hey, I'm applying to Comm at some places and PoliSci at others. I got into Comm at Texas but didn't get any funding either, so I guess cash is tight this year. Stupid recession, thought I'd avoid it by getting my PhD...
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