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Everything posted by CatallaxisOfEvil

  1. What a clever idea...
  2. I received a reply from the Director of Graduate Studies at NYU. Not much info, to be honest: it was along the lines of "the process is ongoing. Everyone will be told when we're done". So - they're not done making acceptances. Whether that means everyone who hasn't been rejected yet is on a defacto waitlist is a pretty good question. Last year there was a spate of acceptances towards the end of february. So I suppose we should hold on to ourselves for a few weeks at least...
  3. Well I emailed the DGS at NYU a couple of hours ago, I suppose no response to expect this evening... I've decided to hold off on Brandeis for now. They'll notify when they notify.
  4. I also applied to only three. Though I am starting to wish I'd tried a few more on the basis of the law of big numbers... hmm. I mean, you apply to 20 places you'd have to be pretty unlucky not to have ANYTHING bounce back. I think my main concern was tasking my reference writers with too much bureaucratic nonsense.
  5. There seems to be an inordinate amount of good news floating around this board for the last 24 hours. I'll try not to take it personally and say instead - congratulations, everyone! Am I the only Brandeis applicant on here? I'm pretty sure they should be notifying this week. If there's anyone else hiding, let me know, I'm thinking of giving them a call...
  6. This is a good question. I'm guessing the former, seeing the way the news is filtering through. Though it's hard to be sure. Also I note that everyone who's been admitted so far has been an American applicant- different system for internationals, or is this just wishful thinking? A sample of 5 can't tell us much, admittedly, but still. Last year people were admitted over the course of several days. So if I haven't heard anything by this evening, I'm going to assume I'm not in - but with a healthy dose of equivocation!
  7. Not a sausage yet...
  8. So on pure numbers that's something like a 6% matriculation rate (maybe someone with a higher Q score check that...!). I think they tend to notify successful applicants by phone.
  9. Oh what the hell. BA in History from a large, well known private school outside the US: High 2:1 (somewhere between 3.6-3.7 GPA I think) GRE: 640Q 640V 5.0A Parliamentary internship, Research experience at think tanks MSc in Political Theory from a top-tier private school outside the US *still in progress* I've applied to Brown, Brandeis and NYU. Reckon my GREs will kill my chances?
  10. I can't be the only one who'd love to hear your advice re: personal statements, if you felt it was such a deal-breaker before. I'm assuming that I'm not getting in anywhere - treating this year as a kind of metaphorical 'toe in the water' - so a bit of wisdom would be much appreciated. Perhaps in another thread? PS. Someone with connections and sources give me an idea of when/how NYU is going to show its hand...
  11. Admin at Brandeis is usually very approachable, but actual faculty are more difficult. But it's such a small program I would have thought the admissions decisions would take somewhat less time. That said, if I read their statistics correctly (the entire Brandeis politics site seems out of date) they seem to matriculate exactly as many students as they accept. Which is impressive. Are they only accepting candidates whom they're reasonably confident will choose to attend (as opposed to picking a more prestigious school)? Or is the welcoming package so awesome that no one feels they can turn it down?
  12. Long-time lurker, first-time poster. Another theorist popping out of the woodwork, in fact! It's immensely forbidding to see so many smart and qualified applicants on here. I've only applied to a few programmes (Political Theory specialism) and I'm sort of operating on the "assume it won't happen" philosophy. That said, I'm hyped about the possibility of NYU notifying by the end of the week. I've also applied to Brandeis (am I the only one?) - now they traditionally respond quite quickly, don't they?
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