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the poisoned pawn

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    south east asia, midwest, then east coast
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    Theory of machine learning
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the poisoned pawn's Achievements

Espresso Shot

Espresso Shot (4/10)



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  1. what if I take my advisor's class and perform horribly :-??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. beanbagchairs


      Do very *well* in your advisor's class. I did not do so hot when I took my advisor's class. I paid the repercussion when I was doing my thesis with him (proving myself, trying to get him excited about my work, etc). At the end, I kicked ass;but, in retrospect I should have devoted more time in succeeding his class.

    3. beanbagchairs


      I'd have less headaches and more support from him early in the process.

    4. natsteel


      What if you take it and do well?

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