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Everything posted by zman35

  1. Thanks Poppet for the input. That makes sense and points me in the direction I want to focus my SOP on.
  2. How abot this one...Im going for a research based degree and the only descrepencies I really have is no internship/work experience in what Im apply for. Reason is that Im a disabled veteran and had to chooose between internship/work or research project. I chose a very intensive senior research project. On a positive note for my seizure disability I plan on writing that this is what got me interested in the medical device industry and this is why Im choosing X program with Professor Y. So do you guys think I should mention my disability at all like I did, but in a positive manner?
  3. Hi everyone Im new to the forum and this is my first time posting a topic. Im sure everyone can relate when I say Im having a hard time getting my SOP off on the right track. Im writing all my ideas down and thinking of writing my research/goals in a past, present, future format. The problem that I am having so far is that I dont have internship or related work experience from my Bachelors degree (graduated Oct/2010). During my undergrad for my senior project I had a choice of an internship or a research project. I chose the research project because Ive always liked to learn how to create and build things. I also knew that I was going to continue onto an MS. My project was a wireless remote mobile robotic arm. It covered alot of the areas of doing a research project; R&D, Product Support (building prototype), Material Control (costs), and Marketing. My project is focused for the medical/healthcare industry. I would like to continue with my project during my thesis if possible. So if my only research experience is my undergrad work is it a good idea to focus my SOP around my project? Another problem that Im trying to figure out is that before my Bachelors that is engineering related was when I was in the Navy as a helicopter engine mechanic 10 yrs ago. This is really my starting point of my interest in motors, electronics etc. Would the military experience be irrelavent to my SOP because it was so long ago? My last problem for me is that Im a disabled veteran w/siezures and Im not able to work and go to school at the same time, too much stress on the body. I had to choose so of course I went to school full time. The VA pays for my education up to a Phd. So in my SOP should I be personal and mention my disabled veteran status in a positive manner? For example, the reason why I want to get into the medical device industry is because of x, y, and z? If anybody would like to reply I sure would appreciate it. Thanks.
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