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Everything posted by igel

  1. I've heard some buzz about this during my visits -- a lot of graduate students I've met have done the Fulbright ETA. One thing to consider is, that if you do the ETA, you are not eligible for another Fulbright award. So later on, when you're dissertating and you're applying for grants, you won't be able to snag a Fulbright if you've already done the ETA.
  2. bluegirl, CU was one of my safety programs. The professor I consulted when I was deciding where to apply told me they have a highly regarded MA-only program, and Boulder's close to home. Now that I've had nearly 7 acceptances, I suspect I set my sights a little low in where I applied. However, I think I chose the right schools-- I think I'll likely be happier & more successful at a program at a large public university in middle US than at a large private one on one of the coasts. BTW, I visited Texas and really liked the department. sleepingpoet, did you have much to do with the German dept. at Texas? What are your impressions of it? I'd be very interested to know. You can PM me, if you want!
  3. I think so. I just have to find time for it. Tickets to Raleigh from my hometown are very cheap for the end of March/early April. $115 round trip. Are you going to visit? So do they have a comparative lit program that you're joining? From the looks of your sig, you're into the joint German PhD, right? Which program are you accepted to at UT? If it's the German program, are you going to visit this week?
  4. sleepingpoet, have you heard back from UNC? They notified me Saturday that I'm in... I was very excited!
  5. How many schools will you visit before April 15th?
  6. I have two thoughts about the different budgets for married vs. single students: 1) Either it's an anachronism that goes back to the time when picture of married partnership was: one partner works and one partner is dependant and cares for children, therefore partner in school needs more money to support self and partner at home. or 2) Married couples are a safer risk, can handle more debt. Therefore you can get more loan $$.
  7. So, I'm planning several visits in the next 8 weeks. (It's still 8 weeks to April 15th, right?) Several of the schools have said that they're going to organize to put me up with current graduate students. I think it'll give me a great opportunity to get to know a few people. Just wondered, though, has anyone actually experienced this sort of thing already? Any stories about what it was like?
  8. I'm not applying to any of the programs you are, flaschenpost. Maybe miscellany is, though!
  9. miscellany, are you the one person with the Cornell admission in the results search?
  10. Had an acceptance from UT Austin last night. Kind of sad that no other applicants to programs in German have popped up here.
  11. igel

    Minneapolis, MN

    kdilks - You got it! So, who can tell us about Minneapolis? So far all I know of its advantages are: 1) there is an Ikea there 2) you can get nonstop flights to Europe from the airport I want to hear about rents & neighborhoods!
  12. igel

    Minneapolis, MN

    I would also be interested to know about cost of living in Minneapolis. I've been nominated for a very nice fellowship for year 1 at Minnesota, but after that I will have to scrape by on a stipend of a little over $13k during the school year. Can you rent an apartment near campus for $500/mo. or less?
  13. I'm willing to live on $15,000/yr. until I'm 30.
  14. I reread mine after my lame interview with the University of Texas. Lamented all of the great stuff I articulated in the SoP, but didn't manage to mention when they asked me about my academic interests. Yuck.
  15. As an undergrad, I worked as a student hourly in my major department's secretarial office. It was not an eminent department -- I would describe it as sleepy and underfunded. There were not many graduate students, but even as a peripheral part of the department, I could feel the undercurrent of struggle. There was much veiled maneuvering to get the fatter fellowships the department administered at the right time, people jockeying over who would receive an exchange at which German university or a nomination for a graduate school prize. The scarcity of resources in humanities departments (coupled with the fact that many programs admit too many graduate students) makes for competition, even if it's not competition that's played out in the classroom.
  16. [quote name="Louiselab
  17. I'm really happy that everyone who has replied to my post thus far will be entering graduate school completely free from concern about success in an incredibly competitive, rigorous course of study that culminates in a cut-throat job market. (Probably doesn't sums up what you're facing, Victory, since you're not in humanities, but whatev.) Now, where are my anxiety-ridden brethern?
  18. If the author was transformed into a giant insect, I think I would feel more secure & well-adjusted.
  19. So, while I'm waiting on acceptances, I have been reading the book "Graduate Study for the 21st Century" by Gregory Semenza. It's a great book, but I'm using it to torture myself. For instance, the author stresses the importance of organization, and I agonize over how the current state of my desk (piled about 2 feet high with miscellaneous papers) and my house (messy) are omens that I will be completely unsuccessful as a graduate student. He talks about the importance of attendance, preparation, and meeting deadlines; I reflect with anguish on the requests for extensions I made as an undergrad, the times I churned out papers at the last minute, and the times I skipped class. When I'm not thinking about how wretchedly unworthy/unready I am for graduate study, I read sections of the book, and then fantasize (morbidly) about how I will be the best graduate student ever, how all of my professors will love me and my work, and how everyone will be impressed with my amazing work ethic and maturity. I know I'm focusing on the wrong things in a book that, I think, will be a great resource as I begin my studies in the fall. I've decided I get to indulge myself in all this sick thinking until I choose a graduate program. Anyone else doing some "How to Survive Grad School" type reading? How's it making you feel?
  20. I've been accepted by PhD programs at WUSTL and U Minnesota. I'm applying with a BA, so I've also been accepted as a Master's level candidate at a few other schools, Indiana, Illinois, and OSU. Waiting to hear from: UNC-Duke, UC Boulder, U Texas. Had an interview with U Texas yesterday, they said I'll hear from them by the end of the week. Did anyone else apply to any of these programs? Or does anyone have any experiences to report with any of them? I'd be interested to hear!
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