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Everything posted by mbr484

  1. I just went through the phd application process this year, for biomedical sciences, and was accepted at several schools. The catch is...I have the same GPA as you but I have been working for a few years after college. The research experience and subsequent letters from my mentors are definitely what got me into graduate school. If you are considering working before applying to graduate school, there are other options other than academic technician jobs. I have done preclinical research for biotech companies. I know there are a bunch of private companies in the bay area, many of them spin-offs of academic research. As far as the GRE, I had a good score and also took the subject exam, studying for each about a month or so. I applied to a wide range of schools, had several interviews and will be attending a top 25 school with a good reputation. Defintely apply to a broader range of schools, ones that you feel are a good fit for your research interests. Good luck with everything!
  2. I also had an interview at a school back in February and have not heard a word since them. Seeing as I was accepted at other places, including my top choice, not hearing back doesn't bother me too much. It is kind of odd though.
  3. Maybe the Neuro department does things differently than the CMB department where I interviewed. I received an acceptance about a week after the interview, though nothing changed on the application website. Sometimes I feel like emails to grad schools end up in a black hole somewhere, really frustrating. There is still time...good luck!
  4. Are you talking about the medical school? If so, all the departments had an interview day on February 14th; I was there for another department. I should also add, that at this point, it wouldn't hurt to contact the program.
  5. I am interested in cancer, so I am leaning towards cell biology and possibly pharmacology. I guess the department all depends on which lab I end up joining (so many options!).
  6. I will be going here in the fall for the BBSP program!
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