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About notabaker

  • Birthday 06/14/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    NW Ohio
  • Interests
    Utopian studies, popular culture, speculative fiction, identity formation/performance
  • Program
    English Lit, PhD

notabaker's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. I got waitlisted for funding
  2. Well, this is just.. wonderful. They never even considered my application. Somewhere between the FedEx in Ohio and their office, my writing sample vanished. No notification, no nothing. It was my first choice and I never even got the chance to be considered. (I had to call to find out this horrible news, too.)
  3. This is terribly off-topic, but Timshel's last post raised something I've been thinking about a lot recently: would you accept a tenure-track job at a community college after getting your PhD? I don't mean to stereotype because it might be the area, but English teachers at community colleges around here teach composition about 90% of the time (at least). I'm doing that now (as an adjunct) with just my MA, but I could've easily gone for the full-time positions they're trying to fill. There was an article on the Chronicle not too long ago about how people shouldn't think of CCs as "just a stepping stone" to a 4-year university - that they offer legitimate jobs. I guess that can be true, and they often pay well, but who here would actually consider would actually consider working for tenure at one?
  4. got my r-stamp as well. good luck to the rest of you
  5. Hooray e.e At least this one's only a $30 application. A reasonable price for having one's dreams crushed -.-
  6. Just got my acceptance through e-mail, still waiting on funding decisions - probably next week. Anyone else hear from them? Are you accepting?
  7. Couldn't take the wait anymore. Just e-mailed Wegner. Fingers crossed.
  8. I got an e-mail from the DGS yesterday telling me I was on the waitlist and wanting to make sure I was still interested. Woohoo!
  9. Also waitlisted by e-mail today
  10. Nope, nothing here either. *Fingers crossed*
  11. Also got my R-stamp from them - and there are apparently more and more schools rejecting before they accept, to judge from the other forums.
  12. Also in Ohio, also can't afford a plane ticket, also can't drop my 4 classes on someone else just to go to an open house. That's reassuring about the residency in one year - some states have really stringent requirements to prevent students from doing that. I'd be way more psyched about the school if I thought going there wasn't going to be more expensive than it's worth. If the state of English higher ed was in better shape, it might be different - but to know you're going to graduate with credentials that might not get you a job to pay back your loans? Really hard sell. Sadly, it's still currently my best option. Fingers crossed for other schools and better offers!
  13. Last year, Wegner was really helpful via e-mail - I'm surprised that people are getting the silent treatment. That being said, I'm doing pretty well not sweating it because I know they're slower than glaciers.
  14. UGH I just got the same funding offer. And did you notice that out of state tuition is only waived for the first year? The difference between in-state and out-of-state is like $600/credit hour. And even in the first year, the insurance requirement + fees mean you have to shell out $2500 from your "very generous" stipend. And funding is only guaranteed for 4 years. Meanwhile, on a 2/2, you're only given 9 credit hours/semester and they wonder why time to completion is increasing? I haven't gotten a better offer yet, but I was really hoping I wouldn't have to double my student loan debt just to get my PhD. Yeah, I'm complaining, too.
  15. I applied last year and they played the most obnoxious waiting game. They had a colossal waiting list and they didn't notify most people until late March or early April that they'd officially been taken off the list. And judging from the replies on here, everyone got told "you're high on the list."
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