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About Ericsozone

  • Birthday 01/22/1988

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  • Program
    California College of the Arts

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Ericsozone


    Also feel free to add me on Facebook
  2. Ericsozone


    First, visited your website and your work is awesome. I've been working with rocks a lot recently. haha That sucks you'll be downsizing. I'm upgrading by going here! Before my school didn't give undergraduates studios, and so I was working out of my room or in the shared large studio. I am definitely excited about all the tools at our disposal. We just had to drive our bird from Texas to SF and it was crazy -- she made it alright (for now), hopefully your cats do the same! Goodluck in your apartment search. I looked (physically) at the places around the school and they all were very nice, no idea on the pricing though. Yeah, I'm currently living in Rockwall, which I don't really enjoy doing, especially since before I was living in Denton which I like to think of as Dallas's own little Austin. Petaluma Dr. is much closer to my parents than ridge road by like 5 minutes. Small world! I'm pretty sure we're supposed to rank 5. I can't remember. The sheet we're supposed to mail to them says (which is weird, that we have to mail them a sheet, when they have online registration for everyone else?) Ahhhhhhh don't even talk to me about loans. I'm scared shitless, no idea how I'm going to pay them back. I think by the time I get my MFA I'll have close to 80k in loans, federal and private. Glad I met someone else going to this school before it starts. At least I won't be completely wading in a sea of loneliness.
  3. Ericsozone


    Painting and Drawing as well. Here's a link to my album on FB -- too lazy to upload this whole thing to imgur. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1640596385016.2078772.1539990011&l=3bed3c99cf I'm luckily living with my girlfriend for now, but her apartment is on the other side of town near USF / Panhandle. I'm also wondering how I'm gonna get crap from Texas to SF but I've gotten a lot of things there so far and plan to ship stuff later. What I'm most worried about is, I won't have a car -- how am I supposed to get supplies (wood, etc) to and from the studios and where in town sells the supplies I need? I guess we'll just have to figure this stuff out as we go along. Have you already signed up for your classes? My first choice was Intention Intervention with Chris Finley. I chose it because I talked to him for my interview and enjoy his work, and think the class will be extremely motivating and put a lot of pressure on creation of work along with heavy critiques. Second choice was Abundant Curiosities cause I found it to be the most enjoyable looking class out of the bunch.
  4. Ericsozone


    Would you like me to post some pictures? I took a tour of it a couple months back - its really nice. Also, glad someone finally posted on this! I'm not alone!! haha
  5. Ericsozone


    Anyone decided they wanted to go to CCA besides me? haha
  6. Bump. Anyone?
  7. Ericsozone


    This may be too late, since today is the 15th and if you haven't decided to go there by now I'm fairly certain today was the last day to submit intent to enroll + deposit. I decided I wanted to go to CCA last week, sent in all my stuff, and hopefully I made the right decision. The facilities were amazing, especially when compared to what I saw at SFAI (I didn't go to the grad studios there though). CCA seems to have a lot of things at our disposal that, I personally did not have attending my BFA program. I went on tour there and I didn't think their grad studios as "tiny", but I've also been painting in my room for the past couple of months, next to my bed, so any space I can have to myself is larger than nothing. Studio with stuff in it: http://i.imgur.com/sK7mk.jpg Blank Studio: http://imgur.com/cvsCW Did you go to the open studios on the 10th? Take any pictures?
  8. Hey! My name's Eric (http://www.Eric-Dyer.com) I am also going to be attending CCA this fall. I've been trying to find other forums (wish there was a cca grad school forum) for CCA to connect with other people and find out what to expect. Currently I live in Texas right now and am planning on how to get most of my things up to SF. Where do you currently live and what is your work like?
  9. Figured I might as well post this here www.Eric-Dyer.com
  10. hey dunno if anyone replied to you so I'm going to now The number was randomized, I was lost on where it was for a very long time. If you're awesome and have gmail searching for "cca id" will bring up your result, if you're unlucky and have an email account somewhere where search isn't as good, I'd look for an email from graduateprograms@cca.edu with a subject of "CCA Application Received" the email mainly talks about financial aid, but at the bottom it should say your name an an ID. Now that you have your id, you have to login - your id is not your username. type in cca+id number, so your cca user name should be something like cca157235 (a 7 digit number). Your password will be your birthday in ddmmyyyy format, if that doesn't work try ddmmyy if you were born in a single digit month put a 0. If you don't get it to work just call them tomorrow and they should be able to figure out why your stuff isn't working. I wish they made this process easier and explained it to applicants. psh
  11. Oh ok cool! Thanks! I did what you said and, it worked (surprise) What was suprising was my application status -- I got in!!
  12. Congrats!! I've been trying to figure out webadvisor and I don't think I ever received an email with any username login information, how'd you log in?
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