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Posts posted by theatrehippie

  1. I am thinking about moving to Pittsburgh to go to CMU, and I'm really intrigued by the Friendship area. Pros and cons? Is it feasible to commute to CMU from there via public transit? I am from Los Angeles and have spent time in the DFW area, so I am used to having a car, but I'd like to avoid parking on campus since it seems kind of absurdly expensive.

  2. I recently received an email acceptance that mentioned that I would be receiving a packet by mail from the admissions office, and sent what I thought was an appropriately non-committal but thankful reply. But now I am paranoid and second-guessing myself. Was this an okay response to an acceptance email?

    "Dear AdCom Contact,

    Thank you! As you can imagine, I am thrilled. I look forward to receiving the admissions package.



    A few days later I did get the admissions package in the mail. Of course I haven't sent in the response card or the deposit, since I haven't made my decision yet. Worst case scenario, I can't be bound to anything since I haven't sent in the official response card, right? I am way overthinking this. Grad school has made me crazy!

  3. A couple of things from my experience:

    1) Most recommendations are online, and won't need stamps or envelopes. Of course, ask your recommenders if they prefer to send in a hard copy, if that's an option. They probably won't prefer to, but it is good to offer that if it's available. If you do need to have hard copies, I would send them a package with the required forms and stamped, addressed envelopes for the appropriate schools.

    2) Give them lots of notice! I sent out a request several months ahead of time, and then gave them the specific instructions regarding which schools they would be hearing from (because my list changed between the first request and the time I applied, and because I had different recommenders for different program) 2-3 months before application deadlines.

    Good luck!

  4. On 1/23/2009 at 2:37 PM, missashley said:

    I am... kind of

    Yale Theater Management

    Washington University in St. Louis Theater and Performance Arts

    Columbia Arts Administration, with an emphasis on theater

    and some other arts ed programs

    what area of the theater interests you? have you visited anywhere?

    finally, an ally on the board :)

    I know this is an old post, but I applied for these programs this year, along with several others. How did your applications work out?

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