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    phD exchange program

spongysheep's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. You´re welcome. I applied to a phD student exchange program from DAAD. A couple of weeks ago I was told I was selected for it.

    I had to wait a lot, and found myself checking e-mails every 10 seconds, but it was worth the wait! which may prove that delays aren´t always that bad!

  2. Hi thanks for the add! so what program are you applying to? have you got any results yet?

  3. Hi! I´m a Pharmacist myself and working for my pHD. Good luck with your application!

  4. Last year I applied to a pHD scholarship program, not a complete scholarship but some sort of exchange program. Two months later I received an e-mail where they explained me they had money issues and I could therefore only be placed in a waiting list. Later I found out I could apply to another scholarship within the same institution and the application form was essentially the same... they could have considered me for the other grant but no.... I had to apply again. So I applied in september and was told I would receive a notification two months later. November... nothing.... December nothing... January? nothing... In January they told me the budget was frozen (oh great! ) and I may receive and e-mail by february/march... so february has already passed and I´m still waiting. I would rather receive the rejection email...I feel like I have evolved into a maniac email checker
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