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Everything posted by Sociologist
Hey, Fuzzylogician, many thanks for that useful reply! I was not expecting any reply in this thread. I am also a jew (not religious) and concerned but I have travelled around Europe and found the Germans much more conscious about neonazism than some other neighbours from the East. I've got a decent fellowship (I guess) for a doctoral program in English in a local research institute and my main concern is that my German is rather primitive. The people from the institute told me that this wouldn't be a problem for studying (well, they accepted me! ), but I have travelled to German before and I know how difficult it can be to talk in English to locals (especially government authorities, as you said). Of course I can't expect them to use other language than theirs to speak... Well, I will bear in mind your advises when going. Thanks again!
Hi ladies and gentleman, I don't know if there is any German, anyone that has lived in Germany or anyone going to Germany (more precisely Cologne) next fall, but I would appreciate any information on living conditions in Cologne. I'm particularly concerned with the following subjects: - Cost of living, especially food (renting prices seems ok); - Good and unexpensive areas; - General mood of inhabitants towards foreign citizens; - Any myscelaneous info you might consider useful. Many thanks!
Hey, Doctoraldude, thanks for your sympathy. My field is economic sociology (with special reference to labor, which I studied in my masters). And yours? If you prefere, send me a pm.
To whom it might interest and concern: I've just got a rejection message. Very uninspired, by the way. That's the end of line. I'm definitely not going to the US this year.
Thanks, Doctoraldude! Have you already decided where to go? I know you have pretty strong options... Well, I see there are two rejections posted here in GC. Do the posters care to share more info? So far, all I heard from Cornell was silence.
I saw a rejection by e-mail in the results section. Could the poster share more info? Did you send them an e-mail asking or they are notifying all rejected applicants?
Slothy, have you heard anything from MIT? I have a friend who applied and is eager for any info. Thanks
Hi, again. Any news from Cornell? Any rejection so far or they will insist in sending postal notifications this year? Oh, they should save some money for scholarships.
Hey, ladies and gentlemen, please help me here! Is it normal to a department just to ignore an applicant? I just don't understand... I wrote both to the field assistant and to the DGS asking if they could kindly inform the status of my application, considering that many fellow applicants have already received offers of admission. There have been four days now and they didn't bother to answer me until now... simply ignored :? I'm pretty sure their admissions process is over now and the fact that some students were put on a waiting list due to the lack of funding and were notified of this decision is a very compelling evidence to me. And yet, why not to inform an applicant that he has been rejected? Can this situation (silence) mean other than rejection?
Certainly you are! I didn't apply to MIT, because their program is more focused on the organizational side of the thing, to which I happen to not be very thrilled, but I'm certainly an econ. soc/labor/work guy. And I have proudly been so for three years now! That was, of course, why I wanted so badly to get into Cornell... But then, I couldn't stand the competition... (let me add: no offences! Those who got in really deserve it!).
Choosing a specialization for the job market
Sociologist replied to luna1456's topic in Sociology Forum
Indeed, folks... before you start, you have to marry your subject/topic. And of course, as in all marriages, you have be aware of possible fights and even a divorce. But still, you will need much love. Some say that this can be a marriage of convenience (arranged for carreer advancement purposes)... but still, you have to love your topic! Of course I'm not advising anyone to leave their beloved ones (real persons), but without passion, your work will be poor and you will be miserable. On the other side, I already stressed in this forum that I consider any form of over-specialization a huge mistake for any sociologist. Never abandon theory and methods. Always engage in methodological as well as theoretical debates, even to criticize the narrowness of those debates and, in a post-modern fashion, denounce the futility of all methods and the death of all theories. By doing so, you will always be able to discuss research, even in an unfamiliar topic. -
As long as you have cash (plenty), preferably sterling pounds, you and your kids will love Ol' London Town. And I praise you for your decision of returning (I'm assuming you're returning) to University. And I'm sure you will like Archer's classes I will be 25 when I start (I actually started a Ph.D in my home country) and as others, I'm married. But I guess that hetereogeneity is essential to intelectual environments. The more difference you have, the more you can learn with them and, in the worst case scenario, you will have to strenghten your arguments in order to support them.
Owata, thanks for the info. I just took the chance and wrote them asking about the current status of the application process. Let's see what they answer me (if they do it)
Moving back to the main topic... Have anyone else heard from Cornell? What about this posted result stating that they have no funding at this time? Have everyone in the short list already received a message from Cornell? Should I imply that Cornell's admission season is over now? This is really the withering away of all hopes... I realized that there is a trend in the results page... all admitted students are notified by email, but all the rejected ones have to wait a mail to arrive in April with the bad news. I don't want to wait, so...
I agree Slothy. That's why I didn't even bother to apply to Oxbridge (although you can be the lucky bastard who gets their scholarships. There are some good scholarships to Americans in Cambridge). But the EUI funds all European and Latin-American students (Students from LA are funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain). Unfortunately there is not funding to American students, I think, but what are you complaining about? You have been accepted to top programs!
Actually, Slothy, I don't expect them to take me... Considering that I'm highly unlikely to be accepted in Cornell, I was considering applying to the EUI.
Actually, Slothy, I don't expect them to take me... Considering that I'm highly unlikely to be accepted in Cornell, I was considering applying to the EUI.
Juturnas, sorry for questioning your post. Slothy, do you have any idea how long Swedberg and Berezin will stay in Florence? It's nicer than Ithaca and they have a fabulous stipend (not sure if it will cover the cost of living in Firenze, though).
Hey guys... anyone else has heard from Cornell? This is strange... Either the accepted, besides Slothy and an international fellow (who I'm not sure if is real), don't like GC, or they are very slowly notifying their applicants. Well, I guess it's too soon to send them an email and receive a "Sorry, you're not in the short list"...
If you arithmetically convert the values of one scale (1-100) into the other (0-4), you'll have this value. Arithmetically speaking, a 71 (and I'm not the lucky bastard who got a 71 in my degree!) equals 2.84. But, I guess you're right, this is a stupid form of converting and I would advise anyone, as you did, to simply avoid informing UK grades. Although, in the perfect world, in which academics are non culturally biased, reasonable, informed persons who make substantiated decisions, we could expect them to understand that anything considered, in British terms, a distinction or even a good merit makes someone a strong candidate. I managed in some cases to avoid useless numerical comparisons by staying the title obtained (merit or distinction), but I don't think you can conceal anything from adcomms... they will have your transcripts right in front of them, which means that you can even say you had a 4, but they'll know that's not the true. And I guess you're right... we're supposed to self-praise ourselves, especially in eulogical SOPs... what always bothers me (and I think I'm not the only one). What I think it's curious about this is that in your twenties you're supposed to display a fantastic super-hero trajectory. It's all about a past. It doesn't seem to mind if you know what to do in your PhD and afterwards. And I must say I've found some PhD students absolutely lost about their lives. Ok, I guess I'm becoming too melancholic about this...
Thanks anyway, Slothy. And once again, congrats! Considering the GC results representative enough and neglecting any rate of undernotification (many people might have better things to do right now), we should think they are being really personal about these admissions... Not many admissions yet...
I don't really know... Many PhD applicants in the best universities already hold MAs (you can check this info by perusing students sections in departmental websites). I guess that if you go to Oxford, a good MA could easily get you to a PhD there. But I think things are different in the US... if you are admitted only to the MA, that doesn't mean you will be accepted to a PhD at the same university. I myself hold a MSc Soc from a top UK university and I'm not sure if it counts, because of the weird UK grade system... I've got a merit, but numerically, this means between 60 and 70. It's very difficult to get a 71 (distinction) and normally only one student or even none is awarded a distinction. But even with a distinction, let's say... 71, when you translate this to US GPA, it will be 2.84... I hope adcomms take this into account, but I'm not sure if they actually do it.
Tani, even if you don't get into the American universities, because I never know how strongly they value GRE scores, your profile should be very appealing to Oxford. And they have a nice soc MSc (not famous as Cambridge's one, but a very good). I did a MSc in the UK (not in Oxford), but became very interested in many Oxford professors. Tritone, The fact that I can speak multiple languages hasn't been very useful so far... I thought it would be a plus, but so far, it seems it has been neglected.
Hey, congrats Slothy! Are you an American or foreign citizen (if you don't mind to tell us...)? Did the e-mail included any details about the cohort size of admitted students this year? I know this is very unlikely, but I'm very anxious right now... I can't help dreaming about an incoming message right now... And I wouldn't mind if they offer me a less generous package...
Well, I always thought that old hippies were culturally active... Anyway, is it real the result posted? Are they really writing, but not for me?