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  1. I am an alternate for the dissertation fellowship, and I found out last week that everyone in my field (psychology) confirmed. I might apply for the Ford postdoctoral award while I am in my internship year for clinical psych. But I will certainly apply for academic jobs and/or NIH-funded postdocs. It would have been great to have the dissertation fellowship, but this was a one-shot deal for me. Now, it's time to move on to other things... Congrats to everyone for sticking it out through the process and all the hard work you guys put in. That dedication and ambition will carry over into other great things; I have no doubt.
  2. I just called the fellowships office, but I was too late. Got voicemail. I waited till about 4 pm call so that I would not call too early. Ugh, I can't believe I have to wait another day to get closure on this. Oh well... Anybody else tried calling today?
  3. So no alternates have heard back yet?
  4. I agree that it's a good idea to have both on there for clarity. I called earlier today, as well. I heard the same thing about the dissertation fellowship, except that the person on the phone did not say anything about getting an email Tuesday or Wednesday (as far as I can recall). I really just want to get this over with so that I can move on with my life. I know that I am not getting this fellowship, but it is almost impossible not to be anxious about it. Please don't let my pessimism rain on your parade, though. (It's been a bit of a crazy year.)
  5. In regarding to citing alternate status on your vita, this is what I found online on someone's CV: "Ford Foundation Diversity Dissertation Fellowship Alternate, 2009"
  6. Great question. I was just planning to put down Honorable Mention. But I had wondered about putting alternate on there. This is by now means a definitive answer, but perhaps you could just put alternate and HM on there together. Let us know what you find out. Hopefully someone on here knows of an established convention for doing this.
  7. Not to put a damper on things, but, even though I am on the alternates list, I went ahead and put "Honorable Mention" on my CV. I like to get the disappointment out of the way and move on to other things! My adviser suggested the HM would still be good for my CV. But, of course, I still want that fellowship!
  8. I was told that it would be psychology for me, as opposed to social sciences. There is a specific review panel for psychology. I am assuming it would be the same for you, depending on your field of study.
  9. I found out that I am an alternate for the dissertation award. In other words, I am essentially getting an Honorable Mention. I am on the list for psychology, apparently, and it is highly unlikely that someone who got an offer in psychology would turn it down. Like others of you have pointed out, it would be extremely helpful to know where I am on the list. The information posted so far has been tremendously helpful. Sorry to those of you who did not get it, and congrats to all who get HM, alternate, or who got the award (mythical creatures that you are...).
  10. I am applying for the dissertation fellowship. I am on pins and needles waiting, but I also know that I am not going to get it. This is because of a few mistakes in my application. (Stupid, I know. But the application was somewhat last minute, with reason.) However, every time my adviser sees me, he asks me when I am going to hear back regarding a decision. It makes the waiting that much worse. Ugh... I know I am not getting it, but I am still nervous as heck.
  11. I learned that, this year, they will award dissertation fellowships to 35 applicants out of 500 to 600 people applied. I don't have anything more specific than that. Essentially, the odds are still rather rough.
  12. Indeed! I do not think that I am going to get it, but I am still anxious to get the notice (and get the wait over with).
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