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Everything posted by etoile9

  1. Does anyone have an idea when people on the wait list might start hearing back? The email said we'd hear by May 21st but that's really late considering other schools' deadlines...
  2. Awesome, another NoVA member I already posted about getting my letter, but I'm surprised it took that long considering we're so close. I hope everyone doesn't get too stressed out waiting! I'm on a waitlist so I don't know if there's even a decision to be made, but if not I'm going to SIS and I will be funding it myself via loans, a part time job, and any scholarships I can get. It'll be tough but I think it'll be worth it.
  3. I'm in!!! I'm thrilled to have an acceptance, but I won't be making a decision until I find out about my wait list situation. Fyi, I received the letter today, and it was dated March 10th. I live in Northern VA, just a few miles outside of DC. Good luck to everyone still waiting on their results!
  4. I guess I was impatient- got my results in the mail today. Waiting season is over for me! Congratulations to everyone who got in, and to everyone who's still waiting I wish you the best of luck!! <3
  5. Thanks for the link! I just tried calling and no one was picking up, I'm going to try again later in the day. For better or for worse, I just want to know the decision! :\
  6. I didn't want to create a new thread and the poll seems to suggest this isn't too off topic- but has anyone applied to and heard from MAAS (Arab Studies) yet?
  7. I'm in the same boat. Haven't heard anything, and I live pretty close by, so I'm convinced I'm just being rejected everywhere :\
  8. I hope they're erring on the side of caution so no one says "but you said results would be out x date!" Hopefully they'll send things out soon. I'm getting extremely anxious.
  9. Ah okay, didn't know they got emails. Sorry then, I have no clue
  10. on the faq page it says "An official decision letter will be mailed to every applicant by the Graduate School Dean." So I'm expecting something in the mail. Hopefully we'll all get word in the next couple days!
  11. I don't really understand... what determines if they send an email or not? My VIP and application pages have no changes, but it says that they will mail out the decision.
  12. I am definitely part of this camp, and am glad I'm not alone! I was quite inebriated when one of my schools emailed me with a decision, and I found out I was waitlisted. I was expecting to get in so naturally I was upset, but drunken me was distraught and ended up crying to my boyfriend and parents for about a half hour. Needless to say, I can't wait for this process to be over :\
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