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  1. I haven't received a letter, and I am 80 miles from NYC. My school sent in my materials, but I was told they weren't considering people who already had other grants. Unfair for me, but pretty fair in the grand scheme of things. Congrats to everyone who got funding!!
  2. Don't think so. What they don't know can't hurt you.
  3. Definitely contact your rep, especially if you got above a 95. I don't think my rep has let everyone know yet. Also, IIE might not consider applicants who have received funding from other sources for the same project.
  4. Some new info: The reps have been asked to send along the materials for the "selected" candidates, since the DoE can't give them directly to IIE. If your rep didn't get an email with your name on it, then you are not under consideration. My rep just got this email today, so I would advise checking in with your school's rep and checking in with the contact on the IIE website. Good luck to everyone! Hopefully this process will be over soon. ugh.
  5. Attention all alternates! The cancelled FY2011 Fulbright-Hays is being saved by the Mellon Foundation! http://www.iie.org/Who-We-Are/News-and-Events/Press-Center/Press-Releases/2011/2011-06-28-Launch-Of-IIE-Graduate-Fellowships-For-International-Study.aspx This most likely means that at least a handful of Fulbrighters will give up their grants for the new "IIE Graduate Fellowships for International Study", meaning more opportunities for alternates. Glimmer of hope for us all. best of luck to everyone.
  6. Wow, this is most fantastic news! I just got an email with the FH review from my Fulbright dean this morning. He hadn't yet heard about the Mellon switcheroo. If you haven't heard from your rep, I would go ahead and contact him/her. Doesn't look like all the reps were notified by the authorities.
  7. hey wall, Just got an email from my binational commission saying that CLEAs won't be given this year due to budget cuts. Yuck.
  8. Congrats to the gulfies! I just received an email from the Egyptian commission that I have been awarded the research grant! Waahooo!/Ahamduillah! There might have been some delay on my paper letter because an official transcript fell through the cracks. thanks, big ivy league school, for NOT being on the ball. The email did have my permanent address listed at the top, so it is possible that the official letter will head there, for anyone who may still be waiting. I am in the lucky but difficult position to also have been awarded a fellowship from another institution. Does anyone have any experience combining grants? Ranita, best of luck! Inshahallah I will see you in Cairo in the fall!
  9. ahamduillah!!! great news!!!! good luck!!!
  10. My fulbright dean "hopes" by the end of this week, but hasn't heard anything definite.
  11. For those waiting for Egypt, I just received an email from Jermaine, who said: "decisions have not yet been made" and "I really hope that this will be done soon, but I have no way of confirming that at this time." !صبر جميل
  12. Sorry to be the optimistic one here... A prof, who also runs one of the area studies programs at my university, told me today that the cuts to Title VI and FH were not "set in stone" and that many people are "not going to let it happen" and she "couldn't imagine that under the Obama administration this program would get such large cuts." Ergo, keep sending those letters, making those calls - there are university officials all over the country doing the same. viva la fulbright hays!
  13. I am disliking the arbitrary divide between sub-Saharan and North Africa right now for many reasons. Nevertheless....Good luck to you all!
  14. Budget cuts to FH and programs like it are terrible, and I support everyone's efforts to combat it. It may be, however, that these cuts will not affect this decision cycle, as they will take effect during the next fiscal year: http://chronicle.com/article/Language-and/127122/ on another note, from the Fulbright advisor at my U: "For those of you who applied for Fulbright-Hays, I still have not received the results, but expect to hear by early May." and the waiting continues.....
  15. A fellow Egypt finalist here too. I got the same email re: CLEA. Since they asked everyone for a new application with Arabic abstract in January, I assume that they must have asked everyone for a revised CLEA study plan as well. CLEA decisions are made separately from the grant, so no telling whether the April 1 date impacts our apps. I am hoping the revolutionary excitement will cause them to decide earlier, but this might be wishful thinking. حظ سعيد
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