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Everything posted by tkovach05

  1. pet friendly
  2. green tea
  3. tkovach05


    Agreed. Especially if you are going to live in a city like Madison with bad weather. You're much better off in the winter months with a sturdy, fixed gear bike than with some fancy 21 speed. Odds are you'll never use speeds 4-21 anyways. It's important to consider space limitations though; that's why I went with my folder. I can keep it in the corner in my apartment, store it in my cubicle at work, and take it on the train/bus with me without much of an issue. But much of what you gain in portability is lost in ease of riding.
  4. personal assessment
  5. frozen foods
  6. lunch box
  7. biological warfare
  8. time zone
  9. dog show
  10. service project
  11. break dance
  12. system restore
  13. social calendar
  14. growth hormone
  15. printing presses
  16. cruel intentions
  17. Madison, Wisconsin
  18. bank account
  19. barber shop
  20. stool sample (sorry; all I could come up with)
  21. pure evil
  22. pressure point
  23. player piano
  24. water pressure
  25. fantasy football
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