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Everything posted by pyg

  1. Hi, I applied to a Masters program in one school and got accepted into the Masters/PhD track. I do not want to commit to a PhD at this point, and I also don't want to let them know "surprise" 2-3 years down the road if I decide not to do a PhD. What are my options? Good luck to all 2011 applicants!
  2. Wow, this community is super active! Thanks for your responses. I was leaning toward UMass earlier; only thing is the professor who recruited me there has a history of neglecting students in a sense, which is kind of scaring me... I think the research is really interesting, but if my professor causes me to be unsuccessful, that's another story...
  3. Hey all, I applied to CMU, UMass, UIUC, Waterloo, and Toronto (latter 2 in Canada) and I got acceptances from Waterloo and UMass. I'm interested in AI, probably IR (but I'm not sure which is why I'm probably doing Masters instead of PhD). Waterloo accepted me for Masters, and UMass accepted me for Masters/PhD track. Before considering funding, I would just like to know first which has a better reputation for - future academic job prospects and future industry prospects. Both schools are offering enough for me to live fairly comfortably (though I'm waiting on the final word for Waterloo funding). Also, any other advice on making this decision would be helpful! Good luck to all applicants who are still waiting for decisions!!!
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