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Everything posted by tursion

  1. Hahahahaha "My name is _____ ______, I am from CHICAGO, IL" What a small world, I find a fellow CMU PPIA fellow on these forums I agree with this poster. I would not have gotten into most of the schools below without PPIA I think, and I DEFINITELY would not have gotten a penny at any of them without PPIA. Count your blessings, because depending on what you want career-wise, you could very likely have hit the jackpot and steered the course of your future with this fellowship.
  2. It's totally possible! I'm actually doing a joint JD/MPP with Boalt and HKS. I'll be starting the HKS portion this year, then two years at Boalt, and finally a semester at each my final year. Your numbers are superb, the internship experience and work experience you've had thus far gives you a fighting chance, at the very least. So, if you really think the MPP/A is something you are interested in, give it your best shot. Again, it's totally possible
  3. Hello everyone! I'm really excited to be joining the Kennedy family, I got a great financial aid package yesterday. Full tuition, plus a $10k stipend. The remaining $19k or so for living expenses, etc., will be via loans. I guess I got really lucky as a PPIA Fellow. Any other PPIAers out there? Anyone else set on going? I'll be spending my first year at law school, pursuing the joint JD/MPP, but Harvard after that. Congratulations to everyone who was blessed enough to even get into such a fine institution in the first place! I'm sure you all deserve it, and I look forward to meeting you
  4. Hi all! Totally joining this discussion late but want to give hope to people with similar stats like mine. Got accepted to the MPP on my 23rd bday, March 15th My stats: GRE: 600V, 690Q, 6AW GPA: 3.5, double major in International Development Studies and Political Science--International Relations. Large public uni. Work experience: 6-months teaching in Afghanistan, plus heavy extracurricular involvement at my university (just graduated last June). PPIA Fellow. Will be pursuing a joint JD/MPP program. Most likely with either Berkeley or Michigan law. Not sure which :/
  5. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Doing a joint JD/Masters program will take 4 years, instead of the 5 it takes to do each separately. So we save a year. Does it make a difference that I'm accepted to the SAIS Bologna campus and not DC? I wonder how to go about trying to convince MSFS to let me pursue a dual program with a JD from somewhere else. Any suggestions welcome! If it does work, I'll definitely reply. In terms of IR, I am most interested in making a difference in the developing world, perhaps through the UN. But I also am open to pursuing politics in the US, and I've heard HKS is better suited for that field.
  6. The JD can only be at Cal or Michigan, not Harvard. Didn't get in :/ So MSFS for networking purposes. Interesting point, ty.
  7. Lol sorry, guess I got carried away with hyperbole. I've been accepted to Fletcher and SAIS Bologna as well, but I disregarded both because I always read and heard MSFS is tops. And you're totally right about the joint program. At the rate it's going, I can do the joint Berkeley or Michigan JD/Harvard MPP. Or MSFS on its own. I'm still holding out a fool's hope of convincing Georgetown to let me pursue my JD elsewhere (rejected from GT law). But either way, what do you think? God, I wish I could do the joint HKS MPP/GT MSFS. Haha, pwnage. Wishful thinking...
  8. Hi all, I am very blessed to be deciding between these two great programs. I know both have their own strengths/weaknesses, depending on your area of interest, but given your own career trajectory, which would you prefer? And why? I'm curious to see the reasons why people would pick one over the other. I personally am pursuing a joint JD/Master's degree. My JD will be either at Berkeley Law or Michigan Law. I am interested in international relations, and development. Former PPIA Fellow. Trying to see how much scholarship money I can get. My ultimate goal is to either work as a big-shot in the UN or as a big-shot in the US government. I know MSFS is the best IR program in the world, and Harvard is Harvard, so I'm really uncertain about which one I prefer. What would you do, and why?
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