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Posts posted by Darth.Vegan

  1. The hardest one was a potential advisor at the University of Victoria. She had written me detailed emails and was very generous with her time. I just wrote her a very polite email and explained that I really appreciated the time she put in with me but that I had chosen a different program for x,y and z reasons. She was very understanding. 

  2. I'm planning on accepting. It's been a bit disheartening to read people talking about it just being a money-making scheme or the like, I mean I agree it shouldn't be so expensive, but I would think it's still an honor to get in? I was feeling lucky, but then got sad sensing that some believe that having to fund my education makes it not count or invalidates it or something. As I see it, I have zero background in Sociology and will need the MA as a gateway to get into funded PhD programs (if I even go that route, I don't want to be in academia so I'll see if I can get a decent job with a Masters once I graduate). Luckily I'm 40 and have been in the work force and have saved up, and my husband has a good job, so this whole "you can only go with a trust fund" or get into serious debt annoys me. Anyhow, it was nice to read your comment in contrast to some of the other things people have been saying on here.  



    If you stated or hinted in your SOP/application that you're not interested in a job in academia, that could partially explain not getting into PhD programs. 

  3. Can you name some Darth? And do any of them have enough fin aid to give you a full ride or partial ride even? I almost applied to york phd and chose geog there at last minute, everyone's heard that story by now.

    I applied to Victoria, Simon Fraser and Toronto.

    I got rejected from Toronto but got fully funded offers from Simon Fraser and Victoria. SF's offer was better, they even offered to match UCI and offered me an RA position with Gerardo Otero.

    I also got funded offers for the MA program in sociology at Oklahoma ($32k), and the MA in environmental justice at University of Michigan (also $32k). It's really not that hard to find funding for MA programs, seems crazy to pay 50k for one.

  4. Hi everyone, 

    so I have a question regarding funding.

    Because I do not have other offer's to compare,

    I was wondering if you guys could give me some insight on funding.


    I've only been admitted to one school so far, which is UCR and wait listed at UCI.

    I believe I received a stipend for the 1st year and the remaining 3 years are taships. 

    The offer is called a fellowship, but I am confused because they only offer me a stipend for the first year?

    Is this normal for UC's?


    Thank you, appreciate it! 




    That's actually a good offer. Many UC's offer only TA based fellowships or 1 possibly 2 quarters for very select applications that don't require TA'ing. 

  5. Just FYI, while pedigree matters somewhat, it isn't as important as some folks make it out to be. 

    Earnings and debt ratios are significantly impacted by a number of institutional characteristics. Institutional size, sector, and quality as measured by Astin and Henson’s selectivity score, all had slight positive impacts on earnings. Holding all student characteristics constant, graduates from private institutions enjoy a slight 4 percent earnings advantage over public college graduates. Moreover, graduates from colleges with selectivity scores 100 points higher than comparison colleges averaged a 1 percent earnings premium




    Source: Thomas, ScottL. 2000. “Deferred Costs and Economic Returns to College Major, Quality, and Performance.” Research in Higher Education 41(3):281–313.

  6. Yeah, I feel you on those concerns. It's obviously a prestigious program, but some more transparency about funding would be nice. It would basically be impossible for me to attend financially without a high percentage tuition remission and/or stipend to cover living expenses. 

  7. You should be good for top 20 programs, might be a little low for top 10 but if the rest of your app is strong I wouldn't worry about it. It's above 70th percentile so that should be enough to pass any automatic cut offs. Also that verbal score is really impressive and will help you overall. 

    Congrats on a great score. 

  8. What makes you think that SPSS isn't used much anymore?

    Because most graduate stats programs don't teach with it. It's generally used in undergrad courses because it's considered "easier." Many of the quant people I know don't consider SPSS sufficient for serious quant work. I don't really agree with that assessment, I learned on SPSS first and it works fine, but I do prefer STATA these days. 

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