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Everything posted by sisepuede

  1. wha-?? two hours at the gym trying not to check just for this? i haven't gotten the email yet either... what kind of cracked-out system has us actually hoping to receive an email that there is no decision yet? ridiculous. i'm going back to praying for berkeley. good luck to all, i recommend the gym this weekend.
  2. this is sisepuede's husband. we are going to eat brunch and then i'm going to take her away from this computer to work out at the gym. i am a personal trainer. might as well get some physical activity out of it. i'm sure the "email" should be in by the time we are finished. and the iphone stays in the car.
  3. sigh, i've actually started making up scenarios in my head. what if they give out 20? what if they give out 15? what are the odds of someone on this board getting one? sadly, i have no idea (i did fine on the gre, but my real-life quant skills only kick in when i'm turning out voters). regardless, keeping hope alive until 5p est. funny thing is, i was irked with georgetown for having such a minimalist application compared to others. now i'm grateful they had so little paper to process--at least we are agonizing while already knowing we got in. my other schools seem to be taking their time processing the essays, policy memos, life stories, bios, course info addenda, etc.
  4. thanks y'all. arrgghh. its friday, 1029a georgetown time, still no email about funding.
  5. hey since we're all sitting around waiting-either for funding or acceptances--i had a quick question. am i totally missing the section of the gppi application page that lists your admission status? georgetown is my only decision so far, and when i log in, it looks exactly the same as before, just a list of all of my docs and things that they have received. where is the big flashing sign that says "ACCEPTED"? i looked through my other apps today as well and couldn't figure it out, but i'm sure it's staring me right in the face. thanks in advance, i want to have some other venue to check over and over and over.
  6. Just sent away my statement too. nothing else to do but watch meet the press....good luck all.
  7. i've been hanging out for a couple of weeks but decided to join today because i was really curious about the gppi funding email too. i got it today as well. what better way to prepare a "short statement" than re-checking the boards over and over? :wink:
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