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Well I'm glad this thread is not dead, hehe...Minnesotan good try starting your own thread under the humanities, but we ARE definitely a social science nanananenee. So now that I have my B.A. in hand...finals and graduation are over--HOORRAAAHHH!--I can now say for sure that I am going to gradschool. Anywho, eventhough(SP) I'm not going straight into a history program, the lang. requirements for a Latin American Studies and History program are Spanish (check), Portuguese (hmmm), French (highscool french?), and maybe a Native American Language (for those brave souls out there). Well heres to a productive and adventurous summer to you all!
Hey! I tried getting into the history programs...they just thumbed their high GRE and GPA standards in my face. I love engaging the past to explain the present, yet they rejected me. I am heading to Indiana--Bloomington's Latin American Studies program and try to sneak into the history dept. grad courses--heh. Ok I'm still not done with my undergrad. so I'm going back to my finals...play nicely and please don't let the sociologist overtake us. We may be small, but we are mighty.
LOL "cash-cows" --thought my advisor was the only one who referred to the programs that fund the other programs. Just thought I'd say that (I promise to come play after my finals are in the can--arrrghh!).
hahaha!!! Museum history...psh! whats that...heheh. Same goes for LATAM history (why not Latino-US studies, blah!). But let's keep this thread alive damn it! let's stick it to those sociology kids--yes, kids, What can I say finals has me wound up tight...going back to the regularly scheduled program.
Hey Dave, You are going to the exact same place from the same place as I am...send me message if you want to talk moving.
dude! when did social sciences become touchy feely? And yes I am a Californian transplant in Western MA. (will be retransplanted in Bloomington really, really soon...ugh! no ocean!). Haha...touchy feeling thats real good! I tend to see social scientists as nearly inhuman--sort of like...ummm...scientists with formulas that they use to plug in for ready made results. As for the "History Channel" crack, I tend to agree whole heartedly with your statement just switch Greek and Roman culture with anything from Latin America and the Caribbean because you ancient guys do get your 15 mins. of glory...heh. ;-)
ahhh numbers, sigh! Lovely, lovely numbers... Moving on from this debate, what is your favorite way to let people know that you want/are a historian-in the making? My favorite is..."I love to talk to dead people" (though inaccurate, still fun to say).
watch you mouth young man...history is a social science!
I'll be shooting my own argument in the foot...but at my school history is part of the humanities and not the social sciences. Though from my discussion with my advisor (a historian) have always concluded with us agreeing that History is more of a social science than a humanities (unless you include the biographers-j/k).
So let's begin the debate...History--part of the humanities or is it a social science? State a reason...or don't. keeping it informal.... My vote...History is definitely a social science.
Latin American Studies M.A.--Indiana University at Bloomington
I'm so glad that somebody was brave enough to broach this subject because at this moment I am feeling kind of out of place when it comes to going beyond the B.A. I am a the first in my family--probably the only one in my family--who will get a college degree, now as I will go into a Masters program--I will be the only one in my family with a professional degree. Im also a first generation Mexican-American. Going to school these last four years have been difficult since in my home I have been the "head" of household for awhile now...so making decisions for others while away from home has kind of been really tough to accomplish. Also I feel like I wont fit in with fellow grad student-and I still dont know how I made it into an M.A program since I didn't do any internships or anything big while in college (I spent all of my summers working hard to pay for tuition). Anyone who has already undergone the transition, does this ever change?
So basically this is something that I have discussed with my advisor as much as possible--yes the anxiety of being a "professional" student is also gnawing at me too. He has pointed out that as of late many, many more students have literally jumped from their programs (even from the PhD. track) for better ones elsewhere. He has served on several faculty searches with many new PhD.s coming out with an M.A. and a PhD. from different places...and they still get pretty decent jobs. So the trend at the moment may be shifting from the old MA-PhD from one institution to one in which academics don't frown (as much) on the whole transferring between programs. The important thing about transferring is taking into consideration the possible time (more time) that it would take to get the PhD. I'm technically going back on the gradschool market in 2yrs to continue on with the PhD--got rejected from PhD programs but got into an M.A. with good prospects of getting the PhD. So breath!--even as I hyperventilate over my gradschool future. takecare
Bobb what schools are you wating on....hope you get in.
hey britt and nerd...good thing we are keepin this thread alive. my concentration is on Central America with an eye to afro-latinamericans in the region, I am also partial to studying about the banana industry in the region. Going for a LATAM MA is kind of a risk because it is an interdisciplanary field without a single dept. supporting it...so from what I have heard from others, many depts. dont take us all too seriously because we dont follow just one field i.e. Anthro, Soc., or History, etc. Thats what I say about it being a risk...more later.