I like the program overall but I think there needs to be better organization at the administrative level. I think the strengths of the program are academic and special libraries. That is what most people in the program want to do and I am concentrating in academic libraries and instruction. I have heard from several school media students that the instructors in that area are stellar as well. The archives professors do not get good marks from students; the impression seems to be that they are more interested in their research than in students.
Funding: it's about applying for the right thing at the right time. Assistantships and RA positions are very competitive and most people who get them have had professional experience beforehand. Except for archives positions in Wilson Library I don't know many people without library or teaching experience who managed to get them. I looked into outside funding through scholarships and grants. I definitely wouldn't expect to leave the program without taking on debt.
I'm a year into my studies at SILS and they are notoriously terrible about communicating with incoming students. The lack of communication between admission and orientation has been a top complaint among everyone I know. I think it is hard because SILS does not have a dedicated admissions person the way the bigger and wealthier departments like business and law do. Lara (I assume that is who has been sending emails to you all) wears a lot of different hats in the SILS office.
Sorry to hear that it hasn't gotten any better since this time last year. The good news is that once you are here, the staff in the office are great to work with.
Just adding to the chorus of those who are still waiting. I haven't talked to anyone at UNC since the first week of April and by now have pretty much written off any hope of being admitted or even getting an admissions answer. At this point, I'll be happy with a courteous "Unfortunately, our fall 2011 cohort is full" note. I would hope that paying an application fee would guarantee at least that much.
Still waiting as well... should I be assuming I got rejected at this point? I would call and ask, but I emailed recently to ask when I should be hearing back (and got a noncommittal "soon") and I don't want to seem like one of those pain in the neck applicants...