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Everything posted by beccakephart
I did email KU's department head today and received word that I should be getting a positive letter soon. I'm ecstatic, so thankful that this is where I landed. Best wishes to everyone! The wait will soon be over!
Advice needed: If it's been a few weeks since an interview, is it inappropriate to email the head of the department for an update?
I was playing Words With Friends the other night, and I could have scored many points if "Yaled" was a word. I couldn't help but thing of all of you and that maybe "Yaled" should become a new verb as in Yaled: When someone keeps you waiting in earnest without a peep. Good luck everyone! I'm still waiting to hear from KU.
Has anyone who interviewed heard anything yet? Does anyone know how long after interviews you usually hear? I had a dream last night I was rejected and it took me a good 15 minutes to convince myself I still had a shot. Good to know I really want it. Anyone else's heart beat a little faster every time you get a dreaded normal size envelope in the mail?
Hi kccur! I assume you went/go to KU? I had a brief Skype interview last week, I really really like the professors- I met with Darren McGee last summer and went to Forrest Pierce's recital a couple months ago. I am very much hoping I get in, I think it would be a perfect fit for me. I got rejected already by UMKC, I don't think my aesthetic or portfolio is what they are looking for (obviously).
It's been over a week now since my brief Skype interview, I'm wondering how long to wait before emailing someone? It seems too late to email thank yous, and would be odd since it was a very very brief conversation. I'm going with patience for now...
Congrats snes! Chicago is awesome!
Ha! That was exactly my thought going in: us creative people are all a little nuts, so I'm sure there's some grace right? I forgot to mention that they said I should join their faculty "garage band" Yeah, I liked them a lot. Now to work out all this nervous energy into an hour or two of practicing/composing!
Alright, Interview #1 survived! Phew, do I wish I could do it again? Yeah, a little. So, the interview was very short. They were trying to get several skype interviews done over a one hour time frame, so it was definitely a little rushed. I got passed around the department, in a circle, a la That 70s Show. Incredibly friendly group of professors, made me feel at ease. The main point of this interview was just to get to know me better, I would imagine a large part of any interview out there is going to be that way. Questions included: Where do you see your composing headed? Do you have experience teaching theory? What medium do you like to write for? They seemed to like most of my answers. However, we well established that I had a background in popular music and had come over to the classical side of things. Then someone asked me if I had any "crossover" composers I look to. And I really really don't. So I went off on a brief Villa Lobos tangent about how he kind of bridged the two sides. That was my only moment of public radio dead air. Again, super short interview. It sounds like they'll be contacting me again if they move me forward in the process, so I'll keep you updated. Advice: Know thineself and know how to describe it clearly and concisely. I had a lot of "um"s I wish I could take back.
My interview is with the University of Kansas, I've also applied to UMKC. We're doing a Skype interview, which I'm a little nervous about since I'm not super comfortable with Skype. Hmmm, I'm thinking I should gather all my scores in case they ask super specific questions. I honestly have no idea what to expect, but everyone I've dealt with at KU has been very warm and friendly. I'm just really excited to get to talk to professors, about music! It's been several months, I miss it.
I have an interview tomorrow, I will post after what happens. But yeah, what snes said! I'm currently listening to my favorite work by the professor I hope to study with and reviewing absolutely everything I sent: portfolio, writing sample, SOP, etc. Good luck!
Has anyone here interviewed before? I have a Skype interview with KU next week. Should I be prepared to solfege Beethoven's greatest hits? Any tips? Congrats to everyone! It sounds like the interviews are starting to poor in! Good luck!
Are the skype interviews usually video or voice?
Do you have a link to that twitter acct? I couldn't find it and I would love to see what he had to say.
I would love to hear some of the compositions of the members replying on this thread. I have so much to learn and I learn so much by hearing fellow young or youngish composers. If you would like to hear any of my works, my website is www.rebeccakephart.com.
Ha, I'm sort of location focused right now so just 2: UMKC and KU.
Well I'm all done with my applications! Now it's time for the waiting game! Ahh yes. Good luck to everyone! It doesn't seem like the 2012 thread is as active at the 2011 one was, so here's hoping to everyone getting in!
I have a question relating to submitting portfolios. For my masters thesis I wrote a work for concert band. The concert band at my school was kind enough to give me a reading, but it was just that, a reading. The result was ok in parts, but I feel the whole is lacking. The work is supposed to be 15' and the recording I have is over 18'. Should I submit the thesis with the entire recording, or should I cut the recording into segments and mark the "good parts" in the score?
Do you have a website I could check out? I love to see what other composers are doing.
Anyone here from Kansas City? I'm new to the area and looking for other musicians to network with. I am also itching to start an avant garde improve group. I'm also going to be applying to KU and UMKC for DMA Composition for Fall 2012.
I applied this last last cycle to Buffalo, Virginia, and Iowa doctoral programs and got rejected from all 3. I want to try again next year, so I'm researching other school possibilities as well. What are other good but not Ivy league level programs?