Hello all,
I'm accepted into two schools and I already made my choice. I just don't know how to say No... Do I say the real reasons I chose one program and not the other? Or just say sorry I'm accepted somewhere else?
Thanks, Maha
I have been accepted at U of T as an international student and I have some questions:
1. I looked up some good apratments to on viewit.ca. Can I just go ahead and rent them online or I should wait until I'm in town and I arrange to see them?
2. How long before the semester starts should I move to Toronto? I will need to find a place to live, start a bank account, etc...
Thanks, Maha
I'm attending U of T fall 2013 as an international student and I have some questions:
1. I saw lots of OK places on www.viewit.ca, would you recommend I rent a place online or wait until I am there and look at the place first?
2. What's the best season for apartment hunting?
3. Approximately how long should it take to relocate: find a place to live, start a bank account, etc... Will a month before school starts be enough?
4. Here's a stupid international student question. Should I buy a two way ticket? Or I should buy a one way now and then two way every time I go home and come back?
Guys, I told you I emailed the department. And the professor came back to me this morning saying I was accepted and she would love that I take U of T offer and not Concordia. Thank you for making me do it!
I knew it was a bad thing to do. But I didn't know I can pressure one school by letting it know that I have another offer that I have to accept from anothe school.
Who do you think I should write to? The head of the department? the liason officer of the registerar?
I have to accept an offer from Concordia, Canada, before April 1st. U of T won't give me an answer before mid/end of April. Can I accept Concordia's offer until I hear from U of T? If U of T takes me, I can then say sorry to Concordia. How feasible is this?
My resume is very professional. It focuses heavily on my professional work experience. What are grad schools looking for?
I'm open to all suggestions... Thanks
There is not a single human being I can speak with that I can ask my application questions. It's all pre-set on the system...
The links to several pages aren't working and the one person who responded to an email asked me to call because she can't write the answers... I called and she was a SNOB!
I need someone who has applied to this program who can give me guidance. Please!