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Everything posted by IVA

  1. Thanks, that was VERY helpful! I'm thinking the break down will be similar. I'm wondering what part of the grant will be used for research; the stipend maybe? Anyway, I have an ETA grant to Morocco. Maybe Facebook group should be created for North Africa/Middle East. Thoughts?
  2. Awesome! And where will you be staying? Also, just a general question, do you have a full or ETA grant? How does the break down look? Is there enough allowance for all necessities?? I'm still waiting on mine..
  3. EXXXXX that it seems you're already part of the thread.
  4. Congrats!! We have a couple of the Morocco Fulbrighters on a separate thread, if you're interested I'll add you on..
  5. Congrats Kelly! Looks like you & I are both ETAs..any idea how the placement w/ the university is going to work? The other Morocco applicant has a full grant, so she has more flexibility.
  6. HAHAH! Sounds good! You think we should create a "Fulbright 2011-2012" group on Facebook? There's a 2010-2011 one and I requested to join so I can ask questions & speak to some folks. Congrats to the awardees and g'luck to those still waiting to hear!
  7. Hi Carol, congrats! It looks like there's 2 of us thus far..
  8. Just received my LARGE MANILA ENVELOPE with an ETA grant to MOROCCO!! Name: IVA Country: Morocco Status: Accepted Notification Date: 4/19/2011 (I'm in California) Postmark Date: 4/15/2011 Academic Status: At Large (Just finished my MPH) Research Area: Public/Community Health I'm thinking the Morocco group is going to be relatively small, but perhaps we can get a Facebook group going
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