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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Did anyone reacieve any notification from NSERC about award upgradation, e.g., PGS to CGS?
  2. Successful Candidate! I will decline OGS, since I was awarded NSERC PGS this year. Good luck who are on the wait list.
  3. Good point, not sure what is really happening!! Probably CGS people are busy in studies:)
  4. Thanks for your suggestion, marmoor. I am actually considering such a move to a better school in my field.
  5. I understand it is not a good time, particularly this year. Good luck for all you guys!!
  6. Just heard that I was awarded a PGS-D, little bit frustrating that it is not a CGS-D but I will take it.
  7. http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/NSERC-CRSNG/FundingDecisions-DecisionsFinancement/ScholarshipsAndFellowships-ConcoursDeBourses/index_eng.asp Please follow this link, Tab-2011. 285 may be final standing after declined/all sorts of things.
  8. Last year there were 291 CGS-Ds, it means almost ~7% cut, definitely it is gonna hurt some of us:((
  9. Your stats are good. I am afraid I have to accept the same fate tomorrow. By the way, which dept. in engineering are you from, if you don't mind?
  10. Thanks eliasg. I am going to send an email to my dept. then.
  11. Thanks for the info. BTW, how do you know it?
  12. What??! are they joking?
  13. That's the only thing I am hoping for. But then again NSERC needs to send results to the department so that they can inform us, this is not happening either as of now.
  14. well-said, tomj!
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