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    Master of Public Health

pearl421's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I would actually disagree. I think public health has more opportunities for leadership work and influencing policy changes and has way more room for career expansion after you work a couple of years. Pharmacy is a Bachelors degree (versus Masters), more expensive, takes longer to complete, and from recent provincial budget cuts for generic drugs (don't know the details), job prospects are at the whim of the provincial legislation. Many of my pharmacy friends were left struggling for work last summer.
  2. I would highly recommend medical anthropology as well. I did my undergrad in molecular biology, and I found that my course in medical anthropology fit really well with my hands-on experiences around hospitals (for research and volunteering). Paul Farmer is great, and you can tell he's so passionate about what he does from the way he wrote.
  3. Hi there, I was accepted to MPH in Health Promotion at UofT on April 29th, via e-mail. This was my 2nd year applying to DLSPH (last year it was for epi but I got rejected, since my app was just not strong enough at the time, and I knew I didn't quite want to do epi), and I can tell you that your SGS online status doesn't ever change, not even post-acceptance or rejection. What you can do is call the department (their number is listed on the DLSPH website) and ask specific questions about when is the latest you'd hear back from them, how many acceptances they've already sent out, etc. This year I think they're trying to expand the class size from ~35 to ~50, so you might have a chance still, if this is where you really want to go. They seem to be pretty slow in getting things moving. After I heard back from them on April 29th, I'm still waiting for my formal acceptance letter and apparently there's a FAQ e-mail that was sent out, which I also have not received. So just be patient. The director of the program is very nice and friendly, and although I can't bring up his name here, I'm sure that once you get hold of his contact information, he would be able to answer all of your questions in great detail. That being said, very unfortunately I'll be giving up on my spot since I got into a better school in the States, and I will be going there. However since I'm still waiting for their formal acceptance letter, at this point I can't do much to formally reject THEM. So waiting is key, like you said! Best of luck!
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