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    Gainesvlle, fl

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thanks for the advice, Tooma. CoNeuroSci -- let me know if you decide to enroll! I'm looking forward to moving
  2. I've been attending the Church of Tebow for years now. Welcome.
  3. Hey everyone! I made a separate thread about this in the "meet and greet" section of the forum, but is anyone planning on taking up their GW offer? I just officially committed last night. I'll be there working on a PhD. Aaannnnyyyooonee???
  4. I just officially committeed to GW last night. I'll be there working on a PhD in history. Anyone else heading to GW? Rent is so expensive there! I'm on the lookout for prospective roommates...
  5. Has anyone noticed that thing about Rick Santorum on the results page? Back story??
  6. An unbiased view of Gainesville! Why did someone vote this down?? A lurking Gator fan somewhere?
  7. Hey if any of the UF admits wants to PM me about Gainesville/UF go ahead. I've been here for a while.
  8. They're both great, but too young to be considered here. Section.80 is a brilliant album though, I'm excited to see what he does in the next decade.
  9. you're never too old for graduate school
  10. Yeah I try to think of the positives as well... tons of focus for work, etc. But that still doesn't take the sting away. But like you said, if y'all can make it work it will only be a huge positive. I'm too young (23) to be settling down right now, so it will say a lot about the relationship if we can get through this distance. Best of luck to you with everything!
  11. Does anyone have an idea about what's going on with GWU? They sent out some notifications yesterday... I guess they just do these things in waves. It's so nerve wracking!
  12. hey Kelkel me too! It's going to be such a rough 2-3 years. Hang in there. What is the distance going to be?
  13. I'm waiting to hear back from GWU, don't have a very good feeling... :-\ Has anyone else heard something out of them?
  14. To cope with the stress of grad school, I follow an extremely strict workout/diet schedule... I feel like it's the one thing I have complete control over. Plus, the endorphins put me in a great mood. I spend a lot of money on food because I eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, but it's worth it! Breakfast: Half cup oats w/a little bit of honey and cinnamon, fruit smoothie (I bought a personal blender and smoothies = awesome meal replacement. Usually I throw in a banana, some frozen berries, half cup fat free yogurt, skim milk, honey, cinnamon. You can experiment for days with these things.) Lunch: salad concoction, just whatever I have in the fridge. Peppers, red onion, beans, corn, gouda, avocado, and some balsamic vinegar. Dinner: smoothie, sauteed veggies, approx 4 oz lean meat Snacks: fruit (usually grapefruit because it's filling), nuts, etc. Once or twice a month I'll allow myself some indulgent dessert or a hamburger or something. But I'm training for a half marathon now so I pretty much stick to the above.
  15. I actually think it's totally reasonable to pick a program based on geographic preference. I don't want to spend the next five years in some depressing town, you know? Research is important, but it's certainly not my entire life. With that said, there are some things you should be aware of. Even though you fit in at BC based on their GRE/GPA requirements and the strength of their faculty, it's difficult to get into because of how small their incoming cohort is. I wouldn't call BC a safety... I want to say they accept maybe 5-6 funded PhD's out of like 100+ applicants. The funding situation at BU is really miserable, and you should NOT pay for a PhD in history. The only reason why I would suggest retaking the GRE is if you're going to try to compete for a funded position at a school like that, where GRE/GPA can actually determine your funding. I know all this because I, too, really want to live in Boston... but it's just not a fit for me :( Don't let any of this discourage you! It sounds like you have an extremely strong resume. Good luck with everything
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