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Everything posted by ewrobinson

  1. Thanks - all good things to think about. I'm slowly trying to piece together my options, and this makes a few things more clear. I appreciate it.
  2. Great, thanks for the recommendation.
  3. I am currently serving as a pastor but really feel the pull back to academic life. Ideally, I would love to teach at the university level, and seeing that I only have an Mdiv, that means more school. This is where I run into trouble. Five weeks after I started my Mdiv program, I was diagnosed with fairly advanced leukemia. As one might imagine, this made studying tricky. Out of sheer will power I decided to remain at school, even though I knew it meant my grades would suffer. It was almost funny - once or twice I had to drive myself to the ER, get something-or-other checked out or fixed, and then proceed onto class. I had multiple other health issues while there, including a nasty back injury from a car wreck, about 5 kidney stones, etc. I am now in remission and relatively healthy. Blah blah blah, cry me a river. Now I want to go for a phd (New Testament). The problem, as you might imagine, is that my gpa is a bit low - 3.25. You can actually tell when I was feeling horrible or decent based on the ebbs and flows of my transcript - like a dendrochronology for health. My GRE will be high, I have some decent professional accomplishments, am very competent in Greek, etc. But will I automatically be disqualified from the better programs based on my gpa? Would getting a ThM help, as it would be a better indicator of my real abilities? I just don't quite know what to do at this point. I know I wouldn't get into Yale, but I do have my eye on Baylor... Any thoughts would be helpful.
  4. Westcott - Where did you do your ThM, if you don't mind me asking?
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