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Everything posted by Tryingfor12

  1. There is a lot of great advice on this board. Thank you all. I doubt I will use the service, but if I do, I'll let you all know how it is.
  2. Correct. By no means would I ever want someone else to write my SOP, I am more interested in a check on grammar and if the statement would be compelling to an admissions board. I think the review process on here is great, but I'd rather not put mine out in cyberspace. Also, I thought a service might offer an expert eye that has reviewed hundreds of SOPs and understands what it takes to get into a top program. Thank you for all the suggestions.
  3. Sorry if I missed a previous post about this, but I've seen a few online SOP review services advertised on the net and around campus and I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with them? I have a few questions: 1. Which company did you use, how much did you pay, and did you feel it was worth it? 2. Did they just suggest grammar or work with you in-depth on the content and framing? 3. Did you get help on just your SOP or did they provide a whole application strategy? If so, what did that entail? 4. Was it successful? Did you get into the schools you wanted? Thanks, I'm applying to International Relations programs, but any help is valuable.
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