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Posts posted by user_name

  1. post-1945 literature, american literary and cultural studies, marxism and post-structuralism.

    Infinite Jest is so worth reading i read it twice...been meaning to do the same for GR.

    i don't think there is any Rand i'd recommend reading....and i've read quite a bit....but i see quite a bit of her in my future study of ideolgy

  2. too many all-night ragers this past week to pre-game the subject test like i'd the general.

    i'd been studying in stretches for months. a lot more comprehension than i though. no 10-section stretch of identification questions like all the other practice tests (I have a couple official ets). telling the difference between 4 post-structuralists or 5 restoration comics when no names or buzzwords were used.

    but, i didn't feel terrible. (<---does that sentence count as litotes?) not great either. not what i was expecting and hopefully the universal bombing of it is enough to put me ahead of the curve.

  3. a good deal of my post was facetious.

    as for the capital of the confederacy...at least oregon hill no longer has the sign 'welcome to oregon hill. that better be a tan, son' but the community (not young people) has a lot to work through. gentrification brought about by vcu's and its buildings on slave cemeteries are one thing, the unofficial segregation between richmond city and surrounding county schools are another.

  4. (+)

    #2 PBR consumption

    #3 tattooed city

    scumfuck capitol of the east coast

    best friend's day


    weather isn't bad


    all the goddammed hipsters

    cheap because of gentrification

    capitol of the confederacy (drive down monument, you'll see)

  5. 1. make sidewalk slammers the night before and krunk out (if your test is at 10am, make sure you're in bed no sooner than 4am)

    2. watch Wonder Showzen before leaving to take your exam (specifically the Horse Apples episode...it'll get your brain in shape)

    3. start studying 6 months in advanced (math, whatever, learning 20 new words a week, blah blah)

    4. take test while still tipsies (hopefully before the hangover sets in)

    5. pass out on hood of car. when someone tries to wake you say 'just scored me a 1440, motherfucker!'

    ...anyway, worked great for the old test so i'm sure it will for the revised

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