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  1. Hello, I'm a regular here but for the sake of anonymity I've created a new user name. In fact, anonymity is the point of this post. So, I've recently been starting up vlogging on Youtube and it's been fun and I'm actually getting a decent number of views. However, I'm concerned (perhaps irrationally) that having myself "out there" might have some negative repercussions. None of my videos are distasteful but some could be considered controversial. As an aspiring academic I'm worried that if someone sees one of my videos and doesn't like something I said or disagrees with me, it could be detrimental for applying to a job or making any sort of connection. Also, as I start to be more "public" on youtube someone will figure out my name, where I live, ect. and only bad things can happen after that. Am I being completely irrational and worrying for nothing? Youtubing is fun but it's something I can disregard if I have to. I just wanted to see what others thought of the situation. Thank you!
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