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Posts posted by grekid

  1. I recently took the revised GRE and received a dismal score range on verbal. So, I will likely be forced to juggle essays / aplications along with retake prep. So wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions on prep strategies and materials for a retake. My objective is to improve my verbal score and keep my Quant where it is (or better!)

    Verbal Materials:

    • Barrons GRE
    • Barrons 800 Vocabulary book
    • ETS Guide

      Quant Materials:

      • Barrons GRE
      • Cliff Notes Math
      • NOVA Math
      • ETS Guide

      My weaknesses are - Reading comprehension, critical reasoning, however I'd like to strengthen verbal overall. Could you please suggest if I should consider adding any other materials / courses ? Any suggestions on how to improve in the above areas ?

      Many thanks!

      More on my story here :

  2. @ fullofpink - I totally agree with you on th RC. I'm not sure how to improve my RC and Critical reasoning skills. I've seen people recommending daily news papers and magazine, I'm not sure how effective that would be. I'm also slightly worried that the test may get more difficult once they calibrate the scores...so a new pool of questions may be added. I applied the mark and review logic to Quant section, it was VERY helpful. I intentionally did not do it for verbal, because I get too discouraged to read lenghthy passages, even painful if I had to read all of them at the end!. But I do see your point though, I can selectively choose to move one or two passges to the end.

    @ prithviraj - It really boils down to what schools you are targeting. Usually you can use your AWA and Toefl score to support your verbal downside to certain extent, but a really poor score will utilmately impact your application. That said, you may want to wait for your percentiles to get a better idea. I am in the same boat.

    @ Huckabees - Awesome. I hope you dont have to re-take the exam! Goodluck!

  3. those who are on this forum seem to outperform many of the people I know who have taken the test (many of my friends - especially the ones who didn't prepare at all - didn't even break 1000). So, if the percentiles ARE based on the new scores, then you may find that averages are way, way down (although there is a decent possibility they may stay the same or go up slightly).

    You make a valid point. I didn't know many who took the test, so I assumed that in general that everyone is breaking 700-750 barrier on revised GRE, and seemed like the norm.

    (but you know, if somehow -magically- your scores are like in the 80th percentile, must you retest?)

    Wishful thinking! It'd be great if the scores are above 70%...I have not touched the books since I took the exam, I am slowly coming back to reality - that I may likely need to re-test. My biggest weakness is RC, I do not know how to improve it.....I purchased Manhattan and other supplements, but nothing helped. I have hard time focussing....ADD.

    I'm pretty sure you will make it into the program, just don't give up, stay positive ! :) This is test is only 1 piece of the equation.

  4. The programs that I'm looking at recommend a minimum of 85% percentile in each area (not combined) to apply. I think it's pretty obvious, in my case, that both the sections (Verbal - sure, Quant - very likely) are below 85% mark. Atleast based on scores that I've seen so far from others. I'm confused whether I should bother to write the essays and see if they accept my application or wait out to take the exam again and submit my application. If i do the later, I'd have to apply for Spring 2013.

    You should be able to know which section is experimental, did you get 3 verbal and 2 Quant or the vice versa ? Was Quant score close to your expectations ?

    BTW, your major looks cool - western painting 1700-1900, am i reading it correct ? I used to be a painter until few years ago, pretty good at it....slowly lost track of it... So, will you be studying history around that period ?

  5. I took the revised GRE today....and my score splits are as follows V - 440-540 Q 620-720.

    I prepared well and somehow when it came to the real one, my verbal dropped like dow. I have consistently scored 600 V and 750 Q. My weakness was Quant and I have to say, I'm quite happy with my score....I really worked my ass off to get where I am, but looks like that negatively impacted verbal :(. I got a Quant section to start with and It was TOUGH, I freaked out but I hope it turns out to be the research section. I'm thinking that may have caused my drop in verbal perormance. In the end that was a research section....3 Quant sections and 2 verbal.

    That said, I'm planning to apply second round for MBA programs - I am not even sure if I stand a chance with the above score. I think I've done well with AWA, and I'm hoping I'll get > 5.5. Do you guys think I can use AWA to strengthen my poor performance in Verbal ? I know AWA score is still a big If. I'll have to slowly gather my energies to focus on taking it second time.

    Any thoughts, suggestions, rants wil be very much appreciated.

  6. Bdon19 - Thanks for the run down and inside scoop. I'll be better prepared when I arrive at the center. And yes, I'm planning to take the metra.

    "I get so scared I'll be unintentionally violating something!" That happens with me all the time, good to know there are other who feel the same way :)

    Question for you - Did you use the calculator at all in the exam ? The more I'm testing I feel like I'm wasting few minutes here and there using the cal. I mean I'm probably using it more than I should. Any thoughts ?

    And were your scores close to what you anticipated / got on Powerprep ?

    Good luck with your applications! All the best.

  7. Does anyone have any recommendation for verbal practise? I've pretty much exhausted barrons, and ets. I know I can buy Princeton and Kaplan. But wanted to see if there are any other or online options. I need to practise fill in the blanks, and identify two words. I have enough material for other types of question rc and critical reasoning.

    Grockit would've been great but they haven't updated their courseware to the new format.

  8. Thanks Rachel. I wish I knew there's a center in Deerfield / Lombard, that would've been fantastic for the same reason you've mentioned. I just looked up to see if I could reschedule - all centers are full until November.

    I took a practise test today and I scored a pathetic 590 on Quant :( I have about a month to go, so quant will be my focus. I hope I'll improve my scores....

    Good luck with your applications! All the best.

  9. Rainy_day and Rachel B - Thanks! One full bottle! oh boy! :)

    I scheduled my test in the afternoon, just because I feel I'm more awake in the afternoon than morning. I'm not a morning person.

    Rachel B - I'm assuming you to your test in Chicago ? I'm scheduled to take the test in downtown. Do you have any comments / suggestions with re: test center ? Hope you did well on your test.

    Also, how many practice tests did you guys take leading up to the test ? I have purchased 800 score and Manhattan, I'm taking one test per week.I should also let you know that I'm terrible in quant (although improved a little).

  10. Hello,

    Could someone please shed some light on practise test taking conditions ? i.e do you go out to a library to take a test or at home ?

    I work full time (I know tat's not an excuse) and I'm finding it exteremely hard to stay away from work distraction. Heck I locked my office phone at work. And voila they call my home phone and bug me in the middle of my exam. With all of this I'm not able to concentrate well enough. I know I can definitely incerase my score if I can focus, focus, focus!!

    Also, do you guys take / recommend any specific drinks before the exam, whiskey ? Just kidding :) I know i read somewhere here that most of them prefer 5Hr energy and caffeine. Any recommendations / thoughts would be highly appreciated.

    Many thanks.

  11. Hi All,

    I am just starting my preparation for the revised test and wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions on study plan. Especially, given it's revised format, am a little dazed. Irrespective, I will spend more time on my weaknesses. Quant is one of my fears!

    Also, I took the PowerPrep II test and here are my score V 155 and Q 156 (130-170 Scale).

    Any thoughts / feedback would be greatly appreiated.


  12. yeah i think the only way to do it is run bootcamp on your mac. this is what i HATE about powerprep

    I run powerprep on Amazon Web Services. aws.amazon.com You can configure a windows machine in the cloud and install powerprep. That's the easiest for me as I do not have access to bootcamp or parallels and I did not want to spend on something that I'm going to need few times.

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