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  1. OP, relax and have a mojato!
  2. Org.
  3. Really? http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-business-schools/entrepreneurship-rankings also http://lmgtfy.com/?q=phd+programs+entrepreneurship
  4. You're planning to risk a perfect score in order to change you AW score that you haven't even received back yet? The AW is the least important part, plus your in the hard sciences so it's even less important. Relax and celebrate your perfect score!
  5. Thanks bubawizwam and socspice! I appreciate it.
  6. Sorry, I should add PhD programs.
  7. Hi All, Could someone please point me in the direction of some decent sociology departments that have an organizational sociology concentration? I guess i'm kind of a NOOB to programs, but would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
  8. 1a) No. AW always come first. 1b) No. Present your perspective comes first. You will be given 2 to choose from there. Analyze an argument comes second. You will not have a choice on that one. 2) You can skip through the math and verbal sections. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ets+aw+intro+pdf ; )
  9. try this: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=gre+faq
  10. whoops! misquote. Meant myacu missed the sarcasm in prolixity's post
  11. You clearly missed the sarcasm there.
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