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Posts posted by Futurelawyerchick

  1. Hi guys, I got accepted to the dual degree JD/MA Int'l Affairs program at SIS and Washington College of Law. I'm excited but I want to know the reputation of SIS. Is it overshadowed by Georgetown, GWU and other top notch schools or does it hold its own? Why would or wouldn't you choose it over another school?What are its strengths? I know a lot about the law school but not a lot about the grad school.

  2. So my whole plan was to go to law school for international humanitarian law, etc. I love Washington College of Law (American U) and Ive been accepted to their dual degree with SIS. I haven't done a lot of research about the reputation of SIS but it seems like its really solid. I have the option of just pursuing the Masters portion if I want too, so I am considering that because of how expensive law school is and the legal market.. but I would appreciate it if any past or current applications can enlighten me on SIS. Do they place well internationally? Is the degree *really* recognizable abroad, in places like Europe? In DC, is it overshadowed by Georgetown and GWU? (That is the case for the law school, at least). Is competition tough in DC for SIS students? What about need-based aid/paying for it? You don't tend to graduate with exorbitant amounts of debt right? Honestly, I am so ignorant about grad school in general because it was always about law school, but my passion is International Relations (my undergrad major) and I knew I would love taking those classes and I wanted the added expertise. However, the debt that I would incur for law school is making me doubtful. Any advice is helpful, thanks!

  3. I have two universities as my affiliations (one in Florence and one in Milan), but the supervision offered by my "sponsors" (two professors) is really on an "as needed" basis. I think (hope) the committees will take the individual projects into consideration when they look at the affiliations, as a history project requiring archival research and minimal supervision is vastly different than a science project requiring the use of lab space. At least for my project, close supervision will be more of a hindrance than a help.

    I'm hoping the same thing. Mine are also on a "need" basis and very short. Now I'm thinking they aren't strong at all. and I'm really surprised that most people do have more than one affiliation even though they only ask for one... or maybe that's just people on this forum? either way, I thought having two would make my application stronger but it almost seems the norm.

  4. Re: the affiliation

    How many of you guys are applying for a full grant? My affiliation is my acceptance to a one year master's program at the university of birmingham and I'm worried that they won't like that.

    Does anyone know if they prefer funding things that are less formal than a master's program?

    It depends on the country. For Switzerland, they prefer research applicants. It should say on the country profile what they prefer? Or maybe stalk the past years recipients and see what they did?

  5. Guys, I know this is random but I was just thinking about it. How strong are your affiliations? The Fulbright website says that they can vary a lot, with some being more independent and some needing a lab and stuff. For me, my affiliations are more hands off with supervision when needed, scheduled study/office visits, providing contacts, access to some journals/library. I really don't know if they will consider that a strong affiliation though. I mean, I don't really need a "lab" or "office" all the time. What do you guys have in your affiliations?

  6. Thanks. My friend who received the phone call was a Switzerland applicant and he got the award.

    Really? When did he get the phone call? Before the email or after? I applied to Switzerland this year. What was your friends project? I'm so nervous!

  7. Anyone happen to hear from Switzerland yet? From what I know from the website, recommended candidates are supposed to fill out some type of Swiss government application in December.

  8. I applied last year and was ultimately chosen as an alternate. I heard that I made the first round on Jan 20.

    I'm very nervous about future cuts in the Fulbright-Hays program and how that will spill over to the regular Fulbright program. Does anyone know of any campaigns to save funding for Fulbright-Hays? I found this, but it's rather limited.


    We need to rally to save this program in a big way. I worry that a large reason that I did not get picked as a principal last year is that people who normally would have gone with the Fulbright-Hays (PhD candidates and the like) opted for the regular program when their funding got cut by overzealous and misguided congressmen.

    So are you basically saying that you were competing for a Fulbright research grant with PhD candidates? Were you a graduating senior? I know that research grants are already tough to get for graduating seniors but if all of the PhD candidates with obvious research experience are applying that just makes me wonder what was the point of applying... I do hope they want to give graduating seniors a chance to gain research experience :/ It's unfair that the funding for Fulbright-Hays was cut though. Do you follow the Facebook updates from Fulbright? There's some other programs open to those with work experience, like that Public Policy program and some Europe focused program. They do seem to be trying to make up for it in other ways

  9. Thanks for the info OliviaKate.... that's what I thought! Was confused by everyone saying about the waiting with the two more months, etc. I'll be counting down until April not January....... with the continuing deficit issues I am horribly worried about State Department funding cuts..... (not to make everyone panic, but there is a lot of bad news going around that I didn't see mentioned here) Just one article I could find quickly: http://www.thehoya.c...38#.TtMmtkpivUk .... I heard it from my Fulbright rep first. This article from Georgetown says the next info from the House about funding will be known in 6-7 weeks (and the article was three weeks ago)

    Anyway, I applied for a creative Fulbright to Iceland! I read about your idea for a creative one to Italy, and it sounds fabulous. I was just there last winter at a residency.

    I knew there were budget cuts especially targeted at education programs but didn't know that Fulbright would be a victim. Not only is that so sad but it also makes me very angry. It seems as though the government is severely limiting options for students...No jobs and now less scholarship money? Anyways, I did some research and found this "Take Action" thing where you can send a letter to your state representatives about the Fulbright budget cuts and urge them not too. Don't know how effective it can be but anything helps right?


  10. Anybody else apply for Turkey, Full Grant or ETA?

    Futurelawyerchick -- what's that about December? Is that only for Switzerland? You're giving me heart palpitations here. ;)

    Good luck, y'all!


    P.S. If you applied for Turkey -- do you know any Turkish?

    haha I know what you mean. I had the same reaction. It was on the country profile for Switzerland on the Fulbright website. It seems as though they recently updated it to say that or maybe I just missed it before. But there were definitely some additions to what was written before, so you might want to check the country profile for Turkey, just in case? Hope this helps!

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