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Everything posted by Veilside1

  1. Schools can offer to waitlistees once people begin declining offers. April 15 is a deadline that you have to give an answer, but a school can still offer any available funding well into April, and even, as I've heard it happen before, in to May as well. The money can be assigned up to the beginning of the next fall semester, but once someone "claims" it, it is gone.
  2. Trust me, I really wish that things were simpler, and that a school could easily and simply re-allocate the money, but for some reason they are not able to do so. I also wish that I had better news to report to you, and do feel bad for you and what must be a frustrating and stressful situation.
  3. No, I think you're confused. There are two categories of accepted students: 1. those who have been offered amission, and have accepted the offer. 2. those who have been offered admission and have not yet accepted. So, yes, students who are #2 have until April 15 to give a final answer, you, as all #1's have already told them an answer and therefore are bound to the funding offer. People who are waitlisted often wait into April when those who have said nothing are finally giving their final 'yes' or 'no.' You have already given a 'yes' so the funding has been applied to you, as opposed to being just set aside for you if you want it.
  4. I think that the answer is yes. I say that because it is often the case that if school 'A' makes you an offer, and you accept, they cannot redistribute the funding. So, by accepting and then declining you are not only eliminating the chance for someone else to receive an offer, but you WILL be remembered by institution 'A' for bad reasons. However, if you feel that school 'B' is a far better choice, then I would suggest contacting school 'A' immediately (I suggest calling anonymously) to see how their particular funding works. It is possible that some schools actually can redistribute funding, but from what I have been told countless times by profs, once a student accepts the money is as good as spent and cannot be offered to someone else. In short, it is bad form. Very bad form.
  5. Someone here want to claim the Princeton acceptance? I am quite envious.
  6. I'm at Arizona now. They're still really, really behind. They've had a few faculty meetings about the issue, and from what I've heard look for responses in the week of the 19th at the latest. Next week is our sping break, so a good deal of the finalizing of things will take place then. Also, check the website regularly. I found out that I was accepted days (I think about 4-5 days) before any email came from who was the Department Head then.
  7. I was 'googled' today according to Academia.edu. Waitlist candidate search perhaps? Kind of excited now.
  8. Sorry to hear that, Melian. I wish you luck on the rest of your apps.
  9. Attia, Thanks for the news on IPGRH!! Hopefully some word comes my way this week.
  10. Is it safe to say that at this point all that remains is rejection? I have 5 Ivies, Michigan, and Rutgers still yet to hear from.
  11. When I did the post-bac at UPenn I remember the profs all saying that roughly 60-80% of those students that they offer admission to for the PhD already have a MA--even though UPenn does not take any MA credit from another institution, which likewise most will not do anyway. I think that generally, and this might sound jaded, the students who are offered admission to the PhD straight out of an undergrad come from top, top schools. The rest of us are required to "prove ourselves" a bit more. Just my perspective so don't take it as an absolute, but I think that if one were to actually examine all Classics PhD programs and scan the bios of their current PhD students I would be proven right more than not. I wish it wasn't the case, but I'm afraid it is.
  12. Has anyone here been waitlisted to any of the Ivies?
  13. Awfully quiet here lately.
  14. Yale acceptences for 2/29? Are these former waitlistees, late adds to the results page, or is my memory off and is this the first that Yale has offered admission this year?
  15. Thanks! Any info on IPGRH would be great. I know that Michigan has winter break this week, so maybe that means that they'll finally finish off their application duties.
  16. Did anyone here apply to the University of Michgan's ancient history program (IPGRH)? Any info on status of admission would be great. Feel free to PM me if you'd prefer. Also, who here is focussing on ancient history?
  17. Do you know anything about IPGRH though? No word from Chicago for me, so I should be expecting a rejetion in the mail in a few weeks...
  18. Looks like IPCAA is rejecting via snail mail... Now I'll dread checking my mailbox for a potentially similar letter from Michigan regarding IPGRH.
  19. As another week is about to begin, let's all keep our fingers crossed for good news for everyone. I still have 8 schools left to hear from, and a good number of them have yet to report at all. Hopefully this week will be a memorable one!!
  20. Congrats to the first Harvard admit of the season!! Anyone here want to claim it?
  21. IPGRH news from Michigan anyone??
  22. ^^ just to note: I called from a blocked ID, and did not give my name so as to not sabotage myself.
  23. ????? What should one make of this situation: A school sent out rejections 3 weeks ago. Nobody has knowledge of any acceptances going out. I called the school and the graduate cooridinater told me that "no rejections, acceptances, or anything has gone out yet." I've called the school for the last three Fridays and have been told this same thing. Also, the very woman that told me that no word has gone out is the same individual who sent out the rejection emails three weeks ago.
  24. Anyone here want to claim the Rutgers acceptance? I applied to the Interdisciplinary Program in Ancient History via the Classics Department and was curious if this was for general Classics or not...
  25. I am claiming the waitlist for UNC-Chapel Hill. Very excited to hear 'what could become some great news' to break the silence that I've been experiencing. Not sure how extensive the waitlist is at UNC, but if you have yet to hear word from them, keep faith!
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