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Status Updates posted by lslavic12

  1. Found myself knitting in front of my email. Gives new meaning to "Waiting it Out." Pathetic.

  2. If I had a quarter for every time I checked the Results Survey on GradCafe, I might not be entering the next 7 years as a penniless grad student (given someone accepts me... PLEASE ACCEPT ME, SOMEONE!!!)

  3. It's getting close... scary close... to knowing my fate. Ugh- this is going to be a long next month.

  4. My head hurts. Probably from the waiting.

  5. Website says "Decision Made." No sign of WHAT that decision IS! ARGGGGH!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sarahmarie


      Oh that is AWFUL! And it's the weekend! Good luck getting through the next few days!

    3. Sarahmarie


      Similar thing happened to me. One of my schools changed my online profile to include financial aid and res life links but no decision yet...should I be reading into this?

    4. lslavic12


      I don't know- but I prefer some kind of development to this silence up until now! Do you think they don't do anything over the weekend?

  6. When did it become a "thing" not to tell people they are on the waitlist until they ASK?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MinervasOwl


      yes, this has happened to me with one place I'm really interested in.

    3. Ameonna


      I was kidding about there literally being two waitlists (sorry, tone doesn't carry well over the internet,) but what I mean is it definitely seems that way, especially with schools that use "unofficial waitlists." Basically, they wait until others have accepted/denied their offers before they tell you anything. While it's great not to be rejected right off the bat, it's still maddening!!

    4. lslavic12


      Mediaphile- it's happened to me with three schools, including my top 2 choices! ARGH!

      Ameonna- I totally agree. Better than rejection. But I still can't believe they treat backups like that. I know with one school, I've pretty much decided to withdraw because of this whole thing. We (or just I, idk) could be waiting until April! SO NOT COOL!

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