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Posts posted by aforman1

  1. Hi boysh!

    I've lived in Lincoln for 5 years, and can tell you that a lot of places have not exactly grasped the digital revolution yet. I've always had the most luck just driving around town and looking for "For Rent" signs, but that may not be an option for you right now.

    I currently rent a downtown studio apartment from Nebraska Real Estate Solutions, Inc. (http://www.nebraskaris.com/), and it's $320/month + utilities, and witihin 10 minutes (walking) of the downtown campus. They have a lot of other properties scattered around town that you could get more information on, although if you wanted roommates you'd have to maybe post an ad on Craigslist searching for one.

    If you do find a couple roommates, another place I've had a lot of good experience with is Chateau Development (http://www.chateaudev.com/). It's a large complex/area near 56th and Vine Streets (about 15 minutes drive to city campus, and less than 5 minutes to east campus); they have apartments and townhomes ranging from 1-3 bedrooms and are very reasonably priced.

    Since it's a college town, a lot of places offer 9 month leases, so leases end all year long. A lot of places (Nebraska RIS, for example) only allow people to reserve a place 30 days in advance, so you'll find a few more openings for August pop up in early July. Hope this helps, and good luck with the move!

  2. Are there any Temple PhD admits lurking around here? If so, I have a question. I saw that someone just posted an admit to the results survey (the only other admit I saw was back in Feb., so I have long counted myself out of the running, but...); what does your application status list online? I wanted to check with someone before I contacted the department, as mine still reads "pending review." Who did you contact in the department to find out? I have been in most contact with Prof. Garrett, but I am insanely nervous to email him and check in ... eep!

    Seriously, it's practically April and I still haven't heard from AU or Temple. I mean, just send my rejections already!!!! :) Congrats to everyone who's been getting some good news!

  3. I know how you feel! I was not prepared for the possibility that I may have to apply again next year, but it's definitely on the table now. I received an email from Dr. Leap. (I'm today's American post on the results survey.) It's nothing official, though, so you may still hear from them! I know they accept some students w/out funding and offer MA admission to others.

    What's your area?

    I'm Cultural (studying body modification, systems of privilege/power and the racial/gendered readings of modified bodies in contemporary US society); how about you? My field site is actually D.C., so AU was a great fit for me in a number of ways, lol.

    I'm really hoping that they wouldn't offer me an admit to their MA program - better to outright reject me than offer me a degree I already have. :) I guess I'll be checking my email compulsively for the next few days, but at this point, I'll just be happy for some sort of closure. I'm thankful that I won't have to go through this again, at least; I hope that one of your wait list spots opens up! Good luck!

  4. American U update: It appears that American has extended the first round of funded PhD offers. I'm in purgatory. Um, yeah, I mean on the waitlist. Best of luck to everyone as the season winds down!

    Well, at least it's better than nothing? Were you contacted by email? I think that I'm now fully resigned to striking out with all of my applications. I'm not going to try and think about how much money I wasted on it ... :/

  5. Did anybody receive a news from Syracuse Anthropology program? please inform on that!!!! It's weird regarding the application deadline which was 15th December, no news!

    Hi Mahsa!

    Here's a link to the results survey on GradCafe, specifically searching for anthropology + Syracuse --> http://thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=anthropology%2C+syracuse. Hopefully this helps! It looks like some admissions and rejections have been sent out already; I would suggest contacting your POI or someone in the department/admissions for specific information regarding your application's status. Good luck!

    Another day, another load of nothing. Theoretically, decisions should be coming soon, right? They have to give us some time to decide/praise the stars that we were accepted somewhere (if that's the case)?

  6. Hi, fellow American U applicants! I got up the nerve to email Dr. Leap today, who reports that they're currently reviewing applications and that competition is tight. (Surprise!) It's better than a rejection, anyway.

    Best of luck to everyone.

    Thank you so much nyc2482! I saw that someone posted an acceptance to AU on the results survey; would that person be willing to share if they were contacted first by the department, or if they called in to check? Guess those of us who are still waiting made it past the first cut :) It'll be interesting to see how the break-down of PhD/MA offers goes (they seem to come out in March based on the previous years' results).

  7. I am also waiting on American. I have an acquaintance (grad student) in the department and emailed her last Friday to see if she had any information. I don't know much about their process, but they fully fund around 4 or fewer students per year. Some who are rejected from the PhD program will be accepted into the MA (Public Anthropology) program. I may email Dr. Leap or my primary POI if I can't take the waiting this week. Best of luck!

    Thanks for the information! Since it sounds like my POI will not be staying at AU, it's probably not too likely that I'll be hearing good news from them, but something is better than nothing! :) Good luck, and please let me know if you find anything out.

  8. Another day, another complete lack of information (well, that's not completely accurate; I was rejected from Northwestern over the weekend. At least it's something!). Based on the past year's results survey and the fact that there's been admits posted to the results page, I'm guessing that my rejection from Temple is still a few weeks in coming - they seem to wait a ridiculously long time to let us down, haha.

    But does anyone have any information on American U? My application is still listed as "submitted" and although they've sent out a few rejections a couple of weeks ago, I haven't seen a single admit yet. Does anyone know how their process works? My last hope ... :)

  9. Out of curiosity, has anyone heard anything from University of Colorado Boulder? I had an informal Skype interview with a POI on February 10th and (in typical flakey anthropologist fashion!) I was told that they would make decisions in "One week...or two weeks...or a month."

    I'm kinda/sorta a student at UC-Boulder, and the only information that I've heard so far is that there were 104 applicants this year between the three subdisciplines. I think this is a little less than the past couple of years, so they should be mailing out decisions soon. Also, probably a large percentage of those students are applying for the MA programs rather than a PhD, so that may make some difference. They like to have their decsisions mailed before spring break; I believe it was the first week of March in 2009 when I got in. Hope this helps!

    Out of curiousity, who did you interview with?

  10. Hey everyone :)

    I'm a bit off-topic, but there's a question I wanted to ask. Is it possible for schools never to send you a rejection email/letter?

    Acceptances for two of the schools I applied to came out last week, and I didn't hear a thing, which means I didn't get in (according to people on the Grad Café, all admitted students have been told). But do you think it's possible that they'll never tell me? That they'll just throw my file without bothering with an email or status update? Do I have to email them to get the confirmation that I've been rejected? It's just that I want to tell my advisor and she won't believe me if I tell her that I found out through Grad Café. She always thought I'd get in everywhere (but I've only got rejections so far).

    Another of my schools, U Arizona, has accepted some students and rejected some students last week. Again, I haven't heard a thing. Does it mean I can count myself out? If I haven't had any positive news... Should I email or patiently wait?

    Sorry to annoy you with my stupid concerns... I just want to move on with my life :)

    This probably is a rarity, but I never ever received a rejection from Tulane when I applied there in 2009. When I contacted my POI in March, she told me that I had been accepted, but emailed me a couple days later to tell me that she was going off of meeting notes from the first round of application reviews, and that they had ultimately decided against admitting me (I'm not kidding, the subject of her email was "My Bad," soooo heartbreaking!). And ... then I never heard anything from them again; no official rejection, no letter, no email, nothing. I know someone else who applied for a MA program, never heard from them again, and then received a letter in the mail letting her know that she had been accepted ... three years later. Ah, the fun we put ourselves through!

    I used to work for graduate studies in UG, and our policy was that the admissions decisions were sent to us from the departments, and we were responsible for sending out the appropriate letters/forms. So, as others have suggested, it's possible that some admits/wait listed people have been informally contacted, and official letters are in the mail. If they've sent out admits and rejections, I say it's probably okay to email your contact in the department to see what's going on. If nothing else, you'll be sure where they are in the decision-making process if they can't give you a definitive answer.

    Hope this helps! :)

  11. Ha! Are you waiting on American, too? I'm in the same boat. Perhaps they're doing everything by mail? I may email my primary POI tomorrow.

    Haha, for some reason I thought that I wouldn't upset the balance of the universe/tempt the fates if I didn't mention the program name, but yes, waiting on AU. I just checked the site, and it looks like they do everything through postal service, including admits, so who knows! :) I can't really tell using the results section if they are a school that sends out admits first or second; every admit listed has been for the public anthropology program rather than the PhD. Stressful!

  12. I have a question for the group... How many of you are in Master's programs applying to PhD programs? My undergraduate GPA wasn't so great, so I figured that if I finished a Master's program first my chances for getting into a good school for a PhD would improve significantly. I also thought that maybe I could out-compete a lot of applicants because they would only have Bachelor's degrees.

    However, it appears as though I've been chatting with people who have Master's degrees on here! This makes me nervous, because I don't think I can "out-compete" you guys, lol.

    Also, I'm more used to dealing with science-y programs, where going from bachelor's to PhD is standard now. In anthropology, it must be more common to get a master's then apply for a PhD. Or is that just for cultural, not biological?

    I think it really depends on the department and how well an applicant seems to "fit" in a program. I've had a 3.9 GPA in undergrad and in my MA program, and my GRE scores were decent; when I applied the first time around, I was accepted to 3 schools, including a PhD program with a massive fellowship. This time around, I've applied to three schools, and so far, I've got two (probable) rejections and have heard absolutely nothing from the third program. Compared with my first round, I'm definitely a much stronger applicant now: I've taken comps, been awarded a few research grants and fellowships, and have a much clearer sense of what I want to focus my research on. Bu~ut, it's very likely that I'll be rejected from each of the schools I've applied to, so there's that.

    At the end of the day, we can only do so much to make our applications appealing to prospective programs. I have a strong academic and theoretical background, sure, but I haven't published anything either, and because I've chosen a very non-traditional project/area of interest makes me (I believe) a less appealing applicant for some programs. But I know a lot of people who have gone directly into a PhD program from undergrad, so it's not unheard of; also, anthropology programs sometimes admit people from related fields, which further complicates matters. Out of my MA cohort of 15, only 10 of us had backgrounds in anthropology. And also, UCB is a feeder program, so most of the PhD students are admitted internally ....

    Anyways, in summary: I think it's about 80% chance, and in a lot of cases, the strength of your application doesn't necessarily come down to whether or not you have an MA, but whether or not you are a good fit for the program. And, since this is where I'm coming from, I'm hoping that the two years I was a graduate student have helped me to strengthen my background enough so that I am competitive ... but who knows.

    CLEARLY this huge text blaughhhh means that I need to get some official word already! Question (and possibly tempting fate): If rejections are being posted to the results section that have been received via postal service over the last week or so, no acceptances have been posted at all yet, and according to the online application my status is still "submitted," am I still allowed to hope?

  13. Is it really slow today?

    I completely believed that today would be the day that I would get actual, concrete, solid, for real information ... and then, gutter ball. How much longer can this possibly go on? (Although, it looks like Northwestern's admits/wait lists went out today, so I'll probably get linked to a denial form from them in the next day or so.)

    How is everyone who has yet to hear anything--positive or negative--managing in the meantime? New hobbies? Wearing out your mobile devices checking your email? Rewatching all of your favorite/most comforting movies?

  14. I already have an MA in anth, so I doubt they'd admit me to the MA program there, haha (or, if they did, I'd have a pretty huge WTF moment then go elsewhere!). That's horrible to hear about Dr. Prince, I spoke with her in October and she seemed so enthusiastic and interested in my research ... is she leaving AU? There was a similar "scandal" at my MA university, and while I wouldn't say it makes the entire program seem unstable, it's good to know about these sorts of issues coming into a place for whichever folks they admit this year. Dr. Leap was very forthcoming as well, I was able to get into some of his research before I got too caught up in the application process ... either way, I'm definitely missing being at school. Starting up a program in the fall will be great, even if (or maybe especially if) it's at my safety school.

  15. Hey aforman1,

    It might be lucky that both of our nerves were cued at the same time. I graduated from AU two years ago (went onto an MA program elsewhere) and the department is filled with some of the warmest, friendliest, and most intelligent people you will ever meet. I still maintain contact with a lot of my faculty, peers, and PhD students.

    However, with that being said, there was recently a new dean appointed to the College of Arts of Science who has wrecked havoc on the department, especially in terms of funding (looking towards more "serious" subjects --> eg, Economics). I know they've only been able to accept 1-3 people each year.

    If you do get in, it's filled with tremendous people. Who did you want to work with?

    Hi! I'm hoping to work with Sabiyha Prince at AU, although I was also in minor contact with William Leap as I was applying; everyone seemed really friendly, although I was told up front that they have only been able to admit a couple of students to the PhD each year. I've been going through the past years' results for AU, and it seems like many of the applicants get accepted for the public anthro MA and rejected from the PhD program ... it's tough hearing that they've been put through such a financial wringer the past couple of years!

    Of course, now your message has really made me hope that things aren't so bleak and I manage the impossible! :) I wish everything could be decided already so I could start making plans for the fall and the uncertainty would go away, lol.

  16. Cue nerves! Someone posted a rejection from American U in the results section, and while I've been moving towards "extremely pessimistic" in my hopes for this year's applications, I just checked my application status for AU and it's still in "submitted." Is it wrong of me to still want to hope that this is a good sign? Are there any other AU applicants hanging around this thread? I'm also still waiting to hear the bad news from Temple and Northwestern ... I wish they would just send out rejections already!

  17. Northwestern told me that the preliminary cut has been made and candidates on the long list have been invited for interviews.

    Someone has posted on the results page that they received a rejection email from Northwestern on the 3rd. Since I never received an invitation to interview, I assume that I have not made the cut -- yet no rejection email has yet appeared (although they may have been informally contacted by their POI). I wish they would just put my suffering to an end!!!

    Is there anyone else on this lurking who hasn't heard from a single school yet? I'm started to panic haha. I haven't heard anyone mention final decisions from ucla, ucsd, Austin, uconn and Harvard so if you have any news I'd love a heads up! Thanks guys!!

    Haven't heard back from anyone yet, but I am starting to lose hope. As I just said, Northwestern has sent out all of their invitations, and it's looking like Temple has started making decisions as well. No word from AU yet, but apparently they only had 2 cultural admits last year, so I'm starting to worry (a lot) about that school. On the one hand, I do have a fall-back school, but I really didn't want to move back to Colorado. :(

  18. I went straight on from undergrad to graduate school, but out of my cohort (of 17), there were only three of us who took that option. Everyone else had taken between 1-7 years between UG/G to work/save up money, get field experience or do other forms of research, go into service oppotunities (Americorps or Peacecorps), or to start a family. We even had a couple who had gone into different careers and then found their way into anthro more than 5 years after graduating.

    I'm currently on a break, and will go back for my PhD in the fall after getting my MA last spring. Taking a break between undergrad and grad school wasn't feasible for me; I was still highly motivated to continue with school and thought that my application to graduate programs was strong, and so I went straight in. Taking a break when I have feels more natural, which is the advice I can give; if you feel like you're starting to burn out after finishing your bachelor's degree, then maybe it's time for a short break. Same thing between an MA/PhD if that's the way your schooling takes you. You don't necessarily need "life experience" to get into a graduate program so long as you have other factors going for you; strong GRE scores, a high GPA (especially in your major), good recommendations and a solid research project.

  19. I've just heard back from one school - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. I was accepted for cultural anthropology. Haven't heard anything from the other schools I applied to.

    Congrats! Two of my programs had a Jan. 15 deadline, so it'll probably be at least a month before I hear from either of them. Haven't heard anything from Northwestern yet, so I'm hopeful that someone calls me over the next week, otherwise it's probably not good news. :(

  20. I only need to get into 1 school, because each of the programs I applied to are PhD, full-funding only programs ... anything else and I'm heading back to Colorado to finish up there (but without guaranteed funding). That's what I keep telling myself, "You just have to get into 1/3!"

    Of course, 2 of the 3 deadlines just passed last Sunday, so I still have plenty of waiting ahead of me before I find out. (Counting down the days until March 1!)

  21. The last of my deadlines passed on Sunday, so I am officially in the waiting game portion of the application process. So glad that this thread was started, it'll be great to know when some people start hearing back from schools for interviews and offers. This year's application process felt so much more drawn out that the last time I went through it, even though I applied to only 3 schools. Still, I hope that the next month or so goes by quickly ...

  22. That's what happened to me with UPenn. I called the office and asked why my application still said incomplete, and the woman who answered the phone said "Oh that's just a technical error" and changed my status instantly. I refreshed my page and it said "Completed." So maybe call?

    My similar issue with Temple was just resolved today in a similar manner. I was contacted by someone in the department (yay, finally!) and he told me that they don't even check to see if someone's application is complete until the deadline has passed, then they begin sending out emails asking for the additional materials if they are missing (at no penalty to the applicant). I was told that the graduate school's checklist is "irrelevant" until after the committee has forwarded your completed application to them. (So, I guess sending additional transcripts to the graduate college was probably overkill.)

    Which means I am officially done with my applications! :) ... even though I submitted everything on my end in October. Why is it that I was still on the edge of the deadlines?

  23. Another vote for Americorps here. I'm currently serving as a VISTA for the year between my MA and PhD, and it's been a great experience thus far. The pay, while not great, is probably on par with a graduate student stipend, so it's not a drastic lifestyle change for me, and your student loans will be placed in deference while you serve (which means you don't have to pay the interest they accumulate during your year) and once you finish service you are eligible for the $5,500 Segal Education Award, which you can apply to a graduate program or use to pay off student loans.

    Depending on where you serve, you can also get a lot of relevant experience. For example, I've been grant writing for a good portion of my year, from small to federal grants, which is fantastic considering I'll need those skills when it comes to gearing up for my fieldwork. I would definitely recommend VISTA (a 1-year commitment).

  24. Answering my own question, in case anyone else is having similar concerns with Temple (or just wants general reassurance). I was able to get in contact with the dept. today, and was told that they do not do a completion check until after the Jan. 15 deadline, after which point they contact applicants who are missing information to have it sent in (at no penalty to the applicant). So, until that point, as I was told, the information on the graduate school website is completely irrelevant! Good to know, good to know ...

    Guess that means I am officially done and waiting for decisions to be passed down. Awesome. How many days until March?

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