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aspiringpsychologist's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hi, I am also looking to apply to I/O programs for fall 2012. My stats are quite good I think, but I don't know if my research experience/focus on I/O are good. Here's my info: Cumulative overall GPA: 3.94 Cumulative psych GPA: 4.0 GRE: V-690; Q-790 Research: At my school we are required to take two "collaborative research courses" so that is where most of my research is from. Last semester I was in an Applied Psychology Collaborative class and worked with two other students and developed an ESL Tutor training program, which was essentially based on a psychology literature review (we wanted to actually do a study, but there were time and permission issues because we were supposed to be working with a "community group"). This year I am working with one other student (who was in that class with me) on an "Independent" study to implement that program and test the efficacy of it. I am also currently in a Social Psych Collaborative Research class and am working with two other students to do a study on responses to rejection. I know this research isn't particularly impressive, and I probably should have more experience. I do have a scholarship that involves a $3,000 research grant that I can apply for, but I just don't know what to do research on (terrible at coming up with clever research - part of the reason I don't want to go the academic psych route). Should I try to do a study on some kind of I/O topic? This seems difficult since most of it is conducted on site in companies. Also, time is running low since I'm a senior and will be sending applications in December/January. Also, I have never taken an I/O class, because my school doesn't offer one. I have an I/O book that I'm trying to read in my spare time, but there's not much of that to be had during the semester. I'm drawn to I/O because I am interested in doing something applied, rather than just research/teaching as a professor. And also in actually having a chance of getting a job when I'm done with school. I'm not terribly interested in business, but I'm hoping that won't be too much of a hindrance. I haven't definitely decided whether to apply to masters, PhDs or both. I know that there are very good job prospects for PhDs in I/O, is this also true for masters? Also, how defined do my interests in I/O need to be? Any input is appreciated! Thanks!
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