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Everything posted by inciragaci

  1. hey fosgfp, I don't know if the mailing list of this website is still active, but when I was living in Boston, I found my internship at a queer theater through here, and a friend found queer roommates. hope it helps: http://www.queeragenda.org/
  2. I'm still waiting on Emory and U of Chicago but I'm pretty sure nothing will come of either one of them since there are some acceptances on the result board from a while ago.
  3. yes, it is bloomington. I really like their program so I'm considering indiana seriously but I'm still waiting to hear from them about funding so we'll see.
  4. hey everyone, I just found this thread! Ryzhaya, I'm the Penn State Comp Lit acceptance - I don't know what to say besides the fact that I interviewed with them a couple weeks ago and I thought it went well, though they hardly asked me anything. feel free to PM me if you have specific questions. pel, I think you're in Istanbul like I am, correct? - just so you know, I got the Stanford rejection yesterday through postal service. Hope you hear better news than I did though! also, who are the lucky people who got into michigan's program? =)
  5. how about ann arbor,mi or state college,pa? for the most part I've heard good things about ann arbor but I've only ever lived in boston in the states so I don't know how it would compare... any input would be appreciated!
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