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Posts posted by elizabethrose14

  1. I just got my Georgetown response yesterday- for Sociolinguistics. I sent e-mails to both Pittsburgh and Boston to get timelines, haven't heard back from Pitt- but Boston sent me the most ambiguous e-mail. They said I'd hear between mid-March and mid-May.

  2. @LinguisticMystic Raleigh's awesome! I've never been to State, but I know plenty of people who go there and love it. I just recently took my first trip to Raleigh and the city's just a ton of fun. Love NC. Also, go wolfpack, they just got the final spot in the NCAA Tournament :)

    I have to hear back this week. I want to make a decision soon! I'm hoping to hear from Pitt tomorrow (for the second time)!

  3. Yeah, I thought it was odd too.. I read the e-mail a few times before I finally figured it out. I kept thinking, "surely 11,200 people didn't apply to the linguistics program.." and then it said GSAS.. which I still found odd but.. oh well!

  4. That's how I feel! I'm not really expecting any good news from my PhD programs, but banking on my MA programs.. the undergrad in Spanish is ok I guess.. we didn't have a linguistics program :/ I have a feeling I'm gonna be waiting for a while though!

  5. That was my NYU rejection :/ From what I gathered from the e-mail though it said there was a large and highly qualified applicant pool this time around, and from what everyone's been saying, they don't accept many anyways. I guess the department comes out and says that upfront though- from my experience they're super straightforward!

    Oh well, at least I was kind of prepared for it- I knew they didn't accept many and it wasn't my best fit for a program. And there's still 5 other schools so I'm not worried yet!

  6. I mean, I guess I can wait haha. But I just got finished stressing about what I was gonna do for the next three months (too many good things offered), that now I need something else to stress about. When all these decisions are posted I'll feel happier. C'mon March, get here faster- you have too many good things happening (hopefully good!).

    @snoods yeah.. someone.. who's already there said that Chicago's made their decisions. And that's crazy about GTown! I had no idea that was happening, and I was up there not too long ago..

  7. I second snoods comment about the Pitt interview! But now I'm waiting like a crazy person because one person got a result. It looks like this might be how the next few months go for me. Waiting for results is hard! I should gain more patience!

  8. From what I've heard about Georgetown, they're not super keen on giving away money (which is funny since we all know that they're rolling in it :P), but PhD's, as usual, have more of a change to get more funding. I'm not entirely sure though, that's what I've heard :unsure: I haven't heard from any yet.. oh well. No news, good news?

  9. When information comes out or stress about turning in applications seems to be high then we all seem to come together pretty solidly! I think because there isn't a whole lot going on right now other than the wait- we're all just anxious to post anything other than news haha. But hopefully more results will be rolling in soon so we'll liven up a bit and hopefully get to congratulate each other's successes :)

    Where did you apply blinguistics? (nice name, by the way)

    I had coffee with one of my recommenders yesterday, it was really nice and encouraging to talk to someone who believes in me so solidly. The longer the wait gets the more nervous and less confident I get! But he just believes in me so much that I deeply respect his opinion and hope that others can see the same spark that he sees in me!

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